Healthcare Redux by adeepindigo (2024)

This mod is a comprehensive health care mod which adds new illness, injuries, chronic conditions, allergies, medical emergencies, and pregnancy related health conditions as well as preventative care, natural immune system, medications and supplements, doctor visits, immunizations, deadly illnesses, and more.

The amazing and incomparable Sandy at AroundtheSims designed and created all the medications your sims receive to treat these conditions, injuries, and illnesses so please grab them else who knows what may happen...?!


Natural Immune System Levels

Upon loading the mod, each sim in the family will be automatically and randomly given a natural immune system level. Weak, Normal, and Strong Immune System traits will be visible. These immune system traits affect the rate at which Sims contract illnesses and the length of those illnesses.

Healthcare Redux by adeepindigo (1)

New Diseases

New DeadlyDiseases:Bacterial Meningitis and Tuberculosis.****Fair warning: these diseases can cause a new death - Death by Disease - if not treated or immunized against. Go see the doctor! Please note Malaria has no vaccine. Taking the Malaria pills or using the Elixir are your only options to fight the disease.***

New Infectious Viral and Bacterial Diseases:Bacterial Sinusitis, Bronchitis (only as cold complication), Cold, Ear Infection (Toddlers only),Gastroenteritis/Stomach Flu, Malaria, Tonsillitis.

Chronic Conditions

New Chronic Conditions:Anemia, Anxiety, Asthma, Arthritis (Adults/Elders), Eczema, Insomnia, Migraines, Seasonal Affective Disorder, Kidney Disease, Diabetes, Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), Flat Head Syndrome (Patreon only), Deafness (Patreon only)

New Allergies:Bees, Pet Dander, General/Seasonal

Accidents,Injuries, and Medical Emergencies

New Injuries:Random Childhood Injuries, Sports Injuries. I edited the sprained ankle for CL to act more like the ones from SE. Currently you don't need to go to the doctor to treat these injuries, but there's a chance they can be serious and either require a cast or surgery and those require a doctor's appointment.

Surgery-Required Complications:Appendicitis (Random), Tonsillectomy (as a complication of severe Tonsillitis), Serious Injuries

Medical Emergencies:Small chances for medical emergencies including Postpartum Hemorrhage, Heart Attack, Aneurysm, Anaphylaxis from Choking or Bee Sting Allergy, Car Accident or Plane Crash

Pregnancy Related Conditions andHealthcare

Prenatal Visits, Pregnancy-Related Complication/Conditions (Preeclampsia, Pregnancy Related Anemia, and Gestational Diabetes), and Prenatal Vitamins to help with fetal development (and unrealistically reduces the chance of complications).

Your sim, if they have a pregnancy complication, have increased risk of labor induction and/or c-section. All new parent sims have the chance to experience the baby blues which in some cases can lead to postpartum depression.

There's a very small chance to experience postpartum hemorrhage. It can be fatal so treat it seriously!

Treatments,Medications and Preventative Medicine

Vitamins:Toddler, Children, Teen, and Adult Vitamins to help supplement lifestyles and keep sickness at bay. Prenatal vitamins will help with fetal development (the mother will get positive moodlets) and again unrealistically reduce the chance of complications.

Treatments:Each injury, disease, or condition has new treatments available to either treat, prevent, or cure these ailments. You can, depending on the severity of the illness/condition/injury, receive these treatments either over the counter or via prescriptions given by the doctor from the online pharmacy.

Medications and Supplements include:

Cough Syrup for Coughs and Sore Throat, Pain Relievers for Children and Toddlers as well as Teens and up, Aspirin (mostly for Arthritis), Allergy Medication (Animal Dander and General), Eczema Cream (Eczema), Anxiolytics (Anxiety and SAD), Epi-Pen (Bee Allergy), Iron Supplements (for Anemia), Vitamins (Preventative Care), Antibiotics (Bacterial Diseases), Antihypertensive Prescription (for Preeclampsia), and Prescription Cough Medication (for Bronchitis and Tuberculosis), and an Inhaler/Ventolin (for Asthma). Vaccinations are also available via well-visits or by going separately.

How It Works

Health Diseases,Conditions, Injuries, and Emergencies

Medical Emergencies

Medical emergencies last for 24 hours or less.

Chronic Conditions

All chronic conditions are always chronic unless cheated away (i.e. the trait is removed).

Accidents and Injuries

Minor injuries last for one day or less, and more major injuries can last up to 2 days.

Pregnancy Related Conditions

Pregnancy complications lasts for no more than 6 days and are only possible once your sim is in the 2nd trimester.

How Diseases Works

All illnesses have three stages of their illness. Each stage will each have a corresponding buff that will tell you what they are from and how long it lasts. This is only available once your sim has been diagnosed.All Viral Diseases last 36 hours. Bacterial diseases last for 48 hours. Deadly diseases last for 72 hours. Stomach Flu lasts for 24 hours.

Viral Illness

For viral illnesses the most that can be done is home remedies, some over the counter medications to help sims be more comfortable (faster decay of sickness buffs, less likelihood of symptoms).

Bacterial Illness

Bacterial illnesses will need to be treated with antibiotics. A prescription is needed for antibiotics which means the sim will need to go the doctor to obtain one. Once one is obtained they can fill their prescription at the online pharmacy for delivery via their inventory or mailbox. Inventory is preferred for Tuberculosis antibiotics!!!

Healthcare Redux by adeepindigo (2)

Deadly Diseases

Meningitis and Tuberculosis are both deadly diseases, but they are both treatable and Tuberculosis can be prevented by immunization! You must see the doctor in order to prevent your sims from dying from these diseases. There is no chance they will go away on their own and will only get progressively worse (but maybe you like that!). You can use the antibiotics prescribed to treat Tuberculosis or you can get immunized beforehand to prevent it. If your treatment fails, there is a chance your sim could die of their disease.

Healthcare Services Menu

A menu on the Sim's phone is available for all sims child and up called Healthcare Services. This is the hub for all available healthcare services. Your sims go to doctor's appointments,go to therapy, go to the hospital, get vaccinated, or go to the acupuncturist.

Infants and Toddlerscan only attend appointments by clicking on the toddler or infantthemselves! It helps if infants are in cribs or high chairs before sending them to the doctor.

If no health practitioner options are available, your sim does not have something from this mod.

Healthcare Redux by adeepindigo (3)

Online Pharmacy

Sims can buy over the counter pharmaceuticals on the phone under the Purchase Pharmaceuticals option on the Healthcare Services menu. They can also purchase prescription medications at the pharmacy. A prescription from the doctor is required in order for this option to appear!

Doctor Visits

*Infants and Toddlerscan only attend appointments by clicking on the toddler or infantthemselves! It helps if infants are in cribs or high chairs before sending them to the doctor.*

Types of Doctor Visits

Primary Care:

Preventative Care

Well visits are an important part of a Sim's health. They are currently needed every 21 days. They can provide the opportunity to be immunized! They can also help uncover valuable information.

Sims can choose to get preventative vaccines and allergy shots. Vaccines do not last forever. After your sim has been vaccinated, they will lose their immunizations' potency after time. They will then need to be vaccinated again. Vaccination still only works against deadly diseases; they can still get other diseases.

Healthcare Redux by adeepindigo (4)

****All sims will need to have an initial well visit to have the full utilization of the mod! ****

Diagnosis Visits

General PractitionerSims who are not feeling well can visit the doctor to get checked out. They will visit their General Practitioner.


If your sim develops an allergy, they will need to see an Allergist in order to be diagnosed and receive the proper medication/prescriptions.


If your sim develops a chronic condition, they will need to see a Specialist in order to be diagnosed and receive the proper medication/prescriptions.

Healthcare Redux by adeepindigo (5)

*Note: You may need to have more than one diagnosis visit though this should be a rarity. For instance, your sim could develop an illness and a new, undiagnosed allergy at the same time. This will require one visit to the GP to get checked out for the illness and another to the allergist.*

Specialized Providers:

Acupuncturist (for anyone, but made for those with injuries, sleep disorder, and migraines)

Going to the acupuncturist can be enlightening, relieving, and relaxing for your sims! This option is only available if your sims are in pain, uncomfortable, or stressed.

Sports Clinic

The sports clinic treats both minor and major injuries.

OB/GYN (for pregnancy)

Pregnancy well visits are done by the OB/GYN. The doctor will give your sim updates on the development of their baby. They can also diagnose and prescribe treatment for any pregnancy complications.Your sim will receive notifications when it is time to schedule their prenatal appointments.

Healthcare Redux by adeepindigo (6)

Hospital Visits

If your sim has the misfortune of needing a Tonsillectomy, Appendectomy, Anemic-induced Blood Transfusion, Labor Induction, Postpartum Hemorrhage, Heart Attack, Aneurysm, or Surgery due to a major Injury or Kidney Transplant, the option to go to the hospital will be available for these procedures. After going through a procedure, Sims will need to stay in the hospital for two days for postsurgical recovery (Patreon only).

Healthcare Redux by adeepindigo (7)

Health Insurance

There's an option in the Healthcare Services phone menu to choose and review insurance plans.

When you load the mod in a household where at least one sim has a career, the family will have health insurance. What kind depends as there are four insurance plans. Sims can also opt out of insurance and choose to pay their bills. Sims who lose their job have 36 hours to find a new one before they lose their coverage. When sims join a new job they will get the best insurance available to their household.

Free Universal InsuranceUniversal Healthcare Insurance will cover all medical expenses, with the exception of medications on which there is a small discount. This health insurance will not expire when a sim looses their job. It can only be removed by opting out of insurance or choosing another plan.

Basic InsuranceThis will be a good insurance but not the best. All careers who do not automatically get the other insurances will have basic insurance, including freelancers and business owners. You can stick with your basic insurance or you can upgrade to premium insurance.

Premium InsuranceSo-called white collar jobs will start off with this insurance. Those with basic insurance can upgrade to premium insurance. Those with premium insurance can save some money by downgrading to basic insurance. Premium insurance costs more but appointments and hospital visits cost less as do medications.

Automatic Premium Insurance Careers: Doctor, Lawyer, Business, Salaryperson, Education

Public Servant/Government InsuranceLike in life, government workers get separate and generally good insurance rates (better than basic and premium) but you have to work in one of those jobs, you can't opt into it. This insurance offers the best rates on appointments, hospital costs, and medications.

Government Insurance Careers: Military, Activist, Secret Agent, Detective, Astronaut, Civil Designer


The mod does NOT conflict with Private Practice or SOL.Healthcare Redux is compatible with my GTW Health Overhaul but if they are both installed, HCR will take over for all addon modules. You cannot mix and match modules. I might rethink that in the future but that's what makes the most sense right now.


Base Game

Get to Work

PACKS USED BUT NOT ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY(will be missing some animations and icons):

Seasons (for Seasonal Allergies, Seasonal Affective Disorder, calendar appointments)

Cats and Dogs(for Animal Dander Allergy)

Snowy Escape(injuries, icons, buffs, and medications)

Bust the Dust(for Seasonal/General Allergies and Asthma)

Spooky Stuff(for medication animation)

Eco Living(for Seasonal/General Allergies and Asthma)

NOTE:There is a 40% chance Adults and Elder will be vaccinated already (based on the idea they were vaccinated as children) and a 20% chance Toddlers-Young Adults were already vaccinated. I want Sims to have diseases, even ones that are contagious, but spreading their diseases isn't that important to me since I don't tend to rotate. If it's important to you, other mods have much higher levels of contagion and non-playable sims will get sick much more often than will happen in this mod. Also NPC like the mailman should be immune to all diseases. I didn't need the mailman catching or spreading tuberculosis...

Download Instructions

1. Requires Lumpinou's Mood Pack:

(Redownload even if you think you already have it because it was recently updated)

2. Download Sandy/ATS' Required Functional Medications (included)

3. Download Required General Pie Menus

4. Download Mod(Modular System). Download the CORE file and script. Download any modules you want in your game (see modules descriptionsbelow).

5. If you want all deaths disabled for all sims (as opposed to using the in-game cheats to disable it for specific sims or households) and use the Mod Deaths GlobalDisabler package, it MUST be placed directly in your Mods folder without any subfolders. If you do want your sims to die, REMOVE the file.

Modular System

Healthcare Redux is modular. You may pick and choose the systems from the mod that you want. Don't want the new illnesses? Don't download them! Want pregnancy complications only? Download the Pregnancy module. This was a big undertaking but from now on it should not only allow you to customize your saves and experiences but will also help me with updating and maintaining the system.

The system is split into separate parts. You can pick and choose which features you want from the mod. Choose all or one.

Core - All parts of the mod needs the core. It is required for the rest of the mod to work

Allergies - If you want your sim to be able to develop allergies.

Conditions - If you want your sim to be able to develop chronic conditions.

Disease - If you want all of the new illnesses from this mod, you must install this module.

Death Disabler - If you do not want your active sims to die from their diseases, you can install this optional package. If you want your sims to be able to die, leave this out.

Injuries - If you want your sim to be able to get mild and serious injuries.

Pregnancy - If you want your sim to be able to attend prenatal and postpartum care, develop pregnancy complications, and have a realistic postpartum.

Medical Emergencies - Appendicitis, Aneurysms, Car Accident, Plane Crash, Choking, Kidney Failure, and Heart Attacks are now all covered under medical emergencies.

Troubleshooting Instructions

1. If you are using the mod and can't access options, clear your cache and make sure you have the updated general pie menus. If you are looking for cheats, they are under the Action menu.

2. If you get BE UI errors, you are missing the general pie menus and/or the Mood Pack. They are REQUIRED.

3. If you choose to disable all deaths globally as opposed to using the in-game cheats on a household/sim level, and have the AllModDeathsDisabler package, it must be placed directly in your mods folder. If it is not, remove it.

4. If you are using the mod and get a game error or can't open your game, your download was most likely corrupted by your browser when downloading. You must do the following in order

Step 1: Delete all iterations of the download from your computer including downloads folder and mods folder

Step 2: Delete your browser cache

Step 3: Delete your game folder cache

Step 4: Delete your resource.cfg (it will be regenerated)

Step 5:Make sure if you use the AllModDeathsDisabler package it is in your Mods folder (not any subfolders). It cannot be placed within subfolders.

Step 6: Load up the game and try again.

Step 7: If that doesn't work, try downloading from a different browser or the alternate download link in the mod's description post after repeating steps 1-4

Step 8: Load the game and try again

Step 9:Then try downloading from a different browser and using the alternate download link after repeating steps 1-4

Step 10: Load up your game and try again.

Step 11: If this does not work, you can try for mod support on Discord

Healthcare Redux by adeepindigo (2024)


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.