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Deadly disasters in southeastern South America: flash floods and landslides of February 2022 in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro (2024)


Deadly disasters in southeastern South America: flash floods and landslides of February 2022 in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro? ›

On 15 February 2022, the city of Petrópolis in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, received an unusually high volume of rain within 3 h (258 mm). This resulted in flash floods and subsequent landslides that caused 231 fatalities, the deadliest landslide disaster recorded in Petrópolis.

What natural disasters occur in Rio de Janeiro? ›

The city has a history of recurrent disasters caused by natural hazards, which are in part a result of the urban sprawl, which densely concentrates people and buildings between hills and sea, lagoons and bays. Part of this urban sprawl is in areas at risk of flooding and landslide.

Where is the flooding in Brazil? ›

SAO PAULO, May 27 (Bernama-Xinhua) -- Record rainfall and flooding in southern Brazil's Rio Grande do Sul state have claimed 169 lives since the storms hit the state on April 29, the Civil Defence agency said Sunday.

What are the main hazards in Latin America and the Caribbean and why are some more vulnerable to them than others? ›

Along with high physical exposure to hazards, experts point to Latin America and the Caribbean as having a complex environment of risk drivers, including displacement and mass migration, dense urban populations, slow economic growth, climate change and political instability.

Why are there floods in South America? ›

The flooding is being caused by a confluence of weather events whose effects are being exacerbated by climate change. Last year marked the return of El Niño, a weather pattern which warms the eastern Pacific Ocean and brings more rain to the Southern Cone.

What is the biggest problem in Rio de Janeiro? ›

Rio's problems include overcrowding, crime, urban sprawl, poverty, environmental destruction, air pollution, and water pollution. What is the importance of Rio de Janeiro? Rio is Brazil's second-largest city and the 6th largest city in the Americas.

What is the most common natural disaster in Brazil? ›

Although Brazil is not usually considered a country prone to catastrophes, disasters caused by sudden floods and landslides have nevertheless occurred on a regular basis over the years, contributing to thousands of deaths.

Why is Brazil prone to floods? ›

Riverine and flash floods are common, and heavy rainfall is the principal cause. The rainy season (December to April) often leads to major flooding, which can be exacerbated during El Niño. Both the intensity and frequency of severe precipitation are thought likely to increase as a result of climate change.

Which is the most flooded country in the world? ›

With a risk index score of 10, Bangladesh and Vietnam were the top countries worldwide in terms of flood risk, based on their physical exposure to this type of event. Myanmar followed a close second, with a risk index score of 9.9.

Why is Latin America the most violent region in the world? ›

However, there are many contributing factors to the problem of crime and violence in Latin America, such as the Drug Trade, Cartels and corruption in the political and judicial systems. Crime and violence thrives as the rule of law is weak, economic opportunity is scarce, and education is poor.

What natural disaster do the Caribbean islands worry the most about? ›

The primary natural hazards facing the islands of the Caribbean are earthquakes and hurricanes. Some of the islands are also subjected to instances of volcanic activity. (This, however, is largely outside the scope of this paper.) There are also the related hazards of tsunamis and storm surge.

What natural disasters happen in Colombia? ›

Some of the natural hazards present in Colombia are: Earthquakes. Floods. Landslides.

Where in Brazil is the flooding? ›

After a week of record-breaking rainfall in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil is experiencing an environmental and humanitarian tragedy. The death toll from the floods is in the dozens. The number of missing persons has surpassed 100. Hundreds are injured, and thousands displaced.

What happened in Rio Grande do Sul? ›

Heavy rains which caused widespread flooding in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul have left hundreds of towns under water. At least 85 people died in the floods and about 150,000 have been displaced from their homes, officials said.

What is the highest rainfall in South America? ›

The official greatest average annual precipitation for South America is 354 inches at Quibdo, Colombia. Frequently cited values of 13.299 m average at Lloro, Colombia [14 miles SE and at a higher elevation than Quibdo] is an estimated amount.

Does Rio de Janeiro have earthquakes? ›

Earthquake Hazard level: Very low ? In the area you have selected (Rio De Janeiro) earthquake hazard is classified as very low according to the information that is currently available. This means that there is less than a 2% chance of potentially-damaging earthquake shaking in your project area in the next 50 years.

Is Rio de Janeiro polluted? ›

Air quality in Rio de Janeiro

The air has reached a high level of pollution. Higher than the maximum limit for 24 hours established by WHO.

What's unusual about Rio de Janeiro? ›

Rio is named for a river that doesn't exist

According to tradition, the spot now called Rio de Janeiro was first visited in January 1502 by Portuguese explorers, who believed the bay they encountered (now called Guanabara Bay) was the mouth of a river.

Where was the worst natural disaster? ›

Ten deadliest natural disasters by highest estimated death toll excluding epidemics and famines
Death toll (Highest estimate)EventDate
4,000,0001931 China floodsJuly 1931
2,000,0001887 Yellow River floodSeptember 1887
655,0001976 Tangshan earthquakeJuly 28, 1976
500,0001970 Bhola cycloneNovember 13, 1970
6 more rows


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