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Vol. 28 No. 7 October 2010
Woolas, who has served as a lawmaker THE HEADLINES since 1997, was re-elected to his district Vatican Declares Pope’s Visit To Britain A Success in Oldham East and Saddleworth, in By Nicole Winfield northern England, following two re- Hague Denies Any Truth In counts. He had a majority of 103 votes. THE VATICAN declared Pope Benedict XVI’s ‘Gay’ Rumours Helen Mountfi eld, lawyer for Watkins, four-day visit to Britain a “great success” last FOREIGN Secretary told a specially convened election court month, saying the pontiff was able to reach out William Hague is the that Woolas and his team used mislead- to a nation wary of his message and angry at his latest politician to fall ing campaign materials, which wrongly church’s sex abuse scandal. prey to internet gay accused the Liberal Democrat of winning On his fi nal day, Benedict praised British heroics against rumors. The former support from Islamic extremists. the Nazis to mark the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Conservative leader’s Watkins is seeking to convince judges Britain and moved an Englishman a step closer to possible sexuality became a to invoke a rarely used section of elector- sainthood. al law, hoping they will declare the result scandal when male aide Vatican spokesman the FAREWELL resigned in response to void and force a rerun of the vote. High Court Justices John Griffith Reverend Federico Lom- Prime Minister David the “malicious rumors” they shared a bardi said the important thing Cameron, in his farewell motel room together. Williams and Nigel Teare will decide whether to order a new election in the wasn’t so much the turnout speech before Benedict’s Speculations about the two men’s – crowds were much smaller departure ceremony, said relationship surfaced when the seemingly district, and whether Woolas should be barred from public offi ce. than when Pope John Paul the pope had “challenged under-qualifi ed Christopher Myers was II visited in 1982 – but that the whole country to sit up appointed for the $30,000 a-year post. Benedict’s warning about the and think, and that can only Later reports confi rmed that Hague took Ed Miliband Makes First dangers of an increasingly be a good thing.” his aide on a a publicly-funded visit to Pitch To Voters secularized society had been At the same time, he Afghanistan before he had given him ED MILIBAND made received “with profound seemed to take issue with the job. interest” from Britons as a Benedict’s contention that Hague, married, denies these claims. his debut speech as main opposition whole. secularization was taking Labour Party chief, Indeed, the British media hold more and more in Brit- Unions Warn Government pitching to restore coverage was remarkable in ain. Over Spending Cuts the trust of voters left the seriousness with which “Faith is part of the fabric UNION LEADERS are warning the angered by bankers’ newspapers and television of our country. It always has government that plans for deep cuts in bonuses, the corrosive took Benedict’s message, been and it always will be,” public spending will be met by a wave lawmakers’ expense and TV stations ran virtually Cameron said shortly before of strikes and demonstrations. scandal and competition from foreign all of the pope’s speeches, the pope was fl own out from The country’s main union federation, migrants for jobs. Masses and other events Birmingham Airport. the Trades Union Congress, called for co- The 40-year-old Miliband, who nar- live. That was certainly evi- ordinated resistance September 13 during rowly defeated his older brother David “Everyone is agreed about dent on the Popes fi nal day its annual conference in Manchester. to win the post in an election last month, the great success, not so of his visit September 19, as The government says departments has vowed to overhaul the platform of- much from the point of view Benedict beatifi ed Cardinal must slash spending by up to 25 percent fered by predecessors Tony Blair and of the numbers, but ... by the John Henry Newman before in a bid to reduce Britain’s £155bn defi cit. Gordon Brown – and to strike a humbler The Queen and Pope Benedict XVI leave to meet school fact that the message of the tens of thousands of faithful It is due to announce details of the cuts tone – after the center-left party was children outside the Palace of Holyroodhouse, the pope was received with re- who paid £25 to attend. This this month. dumped from offi ce after 13 years at Queen’s official residence in Scotland, on September 16, spect and joy by the faithful,” trip marked the first time The unions say more than 200,000 May’s national election. in Edinburgh. Lombardi told reporters. Continued on page 4 jobs are at risk and claim the cuts will Miliband, who has previously been devastate police forces, schools and other critical about Blair’s choices over Iraq, public services. planned to tell an annual rally in Man- TUC general secretary Brendan Bar- chester, northern England, that activ- Brit Paras v US Marines ber said the cuts “will do irreparable ists must also confront uncomfortable economic and social damage.” truths about the party’s handling of the fi nancial crisis. In Marathon Challenge Judges To Rule On Election He planned to use his speech to dis- A BRITISH Parachute Regiment team including wounded tance himself from Blair’s apparently soldiers will compete in the prestigious US Marine Corps Corruption Case uncritical approach to London’s fi nancial Marathon in Washington DC, on October 31. This 35th run- A DEFEATED Liberal Democrat can- industry, and Brown’s claim before the ning of the event through the capital city of the USA is a didate last month became the fi rst aspir- onset of an 18-month-long recession major international event, attracting military teams from all ing lawmaker in almost a century to that his stewardship had ensured Britain over the world including US, Denmark and the UK. challenge a British election result over would never again return to a cycle of Our ‘Maroon Five’ in Team PARA are: Capt Mike Kerrigan, allegations of dirty tricks. economic boom and bust. OC Team; Cpl, Pete McCoombe, 2 i/c who has lost an eye; Elwyn Watkins alleged that Labour “When you saw the worst fi nancial Pte Jaco van Gass (lost arm); Pte Keiron Dry, (GSW to head) lawmaker and ex-minister Phil Woolas crisis in a generation, I understand your and L/Cpl Tom Neathway (triple amputee). Tom plans to made unsubstantiated personal attacks anger that Labour hadn’t stood up to the start out on his artifi cial limbs for as long as he can, and against him ahead of Britain’s May 6 old ways ... which said deregulation was election to secure his victory. Woolas the team will make sure he goes the whole distance with denies the claim. Continued on page 4 their help. It will be a real PARA team effort. Tom Neathway, Jaco Van Gass, Keiron Dry and Mike You can support them by donating online at www.justgiv- Kerrigan. lea Charities, has extended a warm welcome to Broadband Loses The Parachute Regiment Charity benefi ts wounded sol- wounded and active service warriors of Britain and GGreatreat GiftGift Ideas!Ideas! diers and the families of the Regiment and Airborne Forces the Commonwealth nations to participate ‘Side x UNION JACK Race To Old-Time in the UK. Side’ with American comrades in the 35th running of SUBSCRIPTION Carrier Pigeon The Allied Forces Foundation, in partnership with Aza- Continued on page 4 12 issues all IN A UNIQUE race to send year long! a video from one county to another last month, a car- 70 Years On, Battle Of Britain Pilots Remember rier pigeon beat out a rural £sd broadband connection. By Jill Lawless reminisce and keep the past alive, but “The Few,” from Prime Minister Winston COIN SETS Rory the pigeon car- reluctant to dwell on either their bravery Churchill’s tribute: “Never in the fi eld of ried the fi ve minute video OWEN BURNS remembers the cold, the or their fear. human confl ict was so much owed by so $29.95 loaded onto a computer memory card from howling wind, and the silk underwear he “There were times when you were really many to so few.” Beverley in East Yorkshire to Wrangle in wore to protect him from the bitter cold. frightened, without a doubt,” said Rose, September 15 was the symbolic climax English-American Dictionary Lincolnshire. Ken Wilkinson recalls the solitude of a former Spitfi re fi ghter pilot who is still to the battle, a day of heavy fi ghting in At the same time as Rory took off, a combat, Nigel Rose the perverse disap- dapper at 92. “But there wasn’t much time which British pilots shot down 60 German “DIVIDED BY A COMMON computer in Beverley started uploading pointment of coming back from a mission to be really scared in the air.” planes – though British propaganda at the LANGUAGE” - $14.95 the same video onto the internet. The unscathed. Between July 10 and October 31, 1940, time claimed three times as many. It is now pigeon took about 80 minutes to make the They are a dwindling band, these men German bombers pounded Britain’s ports, commemorated as Battle of Britain Day, with fi rsthand memories of the Battle of Yorkshire Passport journey – and landed while the computer airfi elds and cities in a bid to destroy its and veterans gathered in London Septem- was still uploading the video. Britain, an aerial fi ght for survival that defenses in preparation for either invasion ber 15 for the unveiling of a bronze statue - $9.50 Campaigners organised the race to high- came to a head 70 years ago September or surrender. France had already fallen to of Air Vice-Marshal Keith Park, the Royal light rural broadband problems, reported 15 – and marked a turning point of World Adolf Hitler and the British army had been Air Force commander in charge of defend- All prices + shipping the BBC. War II. They are modest icons, happy to evacuated in disarray from Dunkirk. ing the capital and southeast England. & handling Michelle Brumfi eld said: “The issue The fate of Britain lay in the hands of DIED at Of almost 3,000 British and Allied air- is so widespread some areas are being £1 = $1.58 press men, barely out of their teens, sent up in called ‘notspots’ – as in the opposite of time Spitfi res and Hurricanes to confront waves men who fl ew in the battle, more than 544 11-800-262-7305-800-262-7305 hotspots.” uro = $1.16 of Luftwaffe bombers. They are known as Continued on page 4 Pagein 2 the month . .October . 2010
Handbag Snatched By Bike the largest ever grown in Britain, several French police closed beaches in the area as garden, if it was a hot day and the day centre Rider – Father’s Ashes In Bag monster marrows and a carrot that measured a safety precaution, but after an investigation windows were open. Sutherland has never 17ft long. they found nothing, and swimmers were come round on any occasion and asked us BIRMINGHAM police are looking for an op- TODAY’S eventually allowed back on the sand. Two to turn the music down.” portunistic mugger on a bike, who rode by a days earlier, a big shark had caused beach women waiting at a bus stop in Kings Heath, Crooked Vicar Conducted closures in the same locale. Couple Shocked That Baby and grabbed her handbag. It was a tragedy Illegal Marriage Ceremonies BRITAIN These days, baffling sightings of unex- for the 40-year-old un-named women from REVEREND Alex Brown knew exactly what BY LARRY GARDNER plainable creatures have Channel marine Girl Was A Boy Bartley Green, who had her late father’s was needed to raise revenue at the Church organizations grasping for answers. A NEW BABY girl thrilled Claire Robson remains stored in a small container within of St Peter and St Paul at St Leonards, East World Bog-Snorkeling and the father Andrew O’Shaughnessy her purse. The mugger was described as Sussex – wedding nuptials, but his money Championships Celebrates Britain’s Oldest Lady Annie last month, until they were both amazed a skinny white teenager with a grubby ap- making ideas led him to a four year prison to be told the baby was actually a boy, five 25 Years Dies At 111 In Scotland pearance. The bike was metallic purple with sentence at Lewes Crown Court. The Vicar th weeks later. curved handlebars and not in good repair, as was found guilty of officiating in some 360 THE 25 anniversary of the World Bog BRITAIN’s oldest woman died last month. Snorkeling Championships in Llanwrtyd Robson, 21, and partner, O’Shaughnessy, the gears crunched and made a loud noise sham marriages between African men and Annie Turnbull, who was born in Lanarkshire, 27, from Brandon, near Durham, were thrilled as he gathered speed riding away. East European women who were attempt- Wells, Powys, Wales, late August, brought during Queen Victoria’s reign was 111-years- out the usual fun loving eccentrics dressed when their first baby was born at Sunderland “The victim is devastated at the loss of ing to stay in Britain legally. Co-defendants old. She lived at the Victoria Manor Home in Royal Hospital. her father’s ashes,” said Detective Constable Vladimir Buchak, 33, from the Ukraine and in gawdy costumes and determined to have Leith, and was two weeks short of her 112th a good time. 140 international competitors Born 11 weeks prematurely by caesarian Lee Readay of Bournville police. “I would African Churchman Michael Adelasoya who birthday. Mrs Turnbull moved to Edinburgh section, the baby was immediately trans- urge anyone with any information to come brought the couples together got four years from many parts of Europe, encounter the in 1914, and spent most of her life in service. murky waters of the Waen Rydd peat bog ferred to an incubator, reports the Northern forward.” apiece too. The documents from the brides She retired in 1974, and confessed the secret Echo. Robson was told she had had a little and grooms showed that they lived in the in a time trial to traverse a 60-yard course of her longevity was “keeping calm.” When Council Say Man’s Missing twice (there-and-back) in the fastest time. girl who the couple named Olivia and started neighbourhood near the Church, which was told she had been honoured as the oldest liv- stocking up on pink baby cloths. Leg ‘Could Get Better’ apparently a complete fabrication. It was Bona-fide swimming strokes are banned, ing women in Britain, she did not understand A ROADSIDE bomb in Afghanistan took the noted that the vicar who pleaded not guilty, and snorkelers can only flap their flippers what all the fuss was about. It was during a visit to the Wearside leg of lance-corporal Johno Lee of Cod- never posted banns as is usual in the Church fiercely to move as fast as they can. The hospital that the couple were called in by Welsh community was a quiet rural place a consultant and told that Olivia was, in dington, near Newark in Nottinghamshire, of England for solemnizing the unions. An Pregnant Nun A No-No but he still can’t get the local council to extra five months jail time was added to to live until regulars at the local pub decided fact, a boy. issue him with a disabled parking permit for his sentence. Reverend Brown claimed he to add a bit of life to the villages’ social In New Advertisement Robson said: “I just burst into tears. It’s his car. He served two tours of Iraq with the only married couples for the right reasons, activities by getting the bog snorkeling THE Advertising Standards Authority has taken a bit of getting used to. From that Yorkshire Regiment, prior to his deployment and was not in cahoots with Buchak and challenge together in 1976. Local farmer banned a controversial ice cream ad, that point onwards everyone kept calling the in Afghanistan, where his armoured land- Adelasoya. John Davies, supported it from the start and shows a pregnant nun enjoying ice cream baby a he. Because he was born so early rover was blown off the road in Helmand Judge Richard Hayward in his summing allowed a course to be cut from the peat on with the punch line “Immaculately Con- he wasn’t fully developed – that’s why no Province. He has been parking in disable up, castigated the vicar saying he was happy his land. As of yet however, Mr Davies has ceived.” The ASA says it mocks Catholic be- one could tell. As he got a few weeks older bays in the hope the council would reverse to be part of a conspiracy, which could not never entered the competitive brown waters liefs and the recent visit of the Pope probably it became apparent.” their decision and has racked up some £800 have happened without his participation. of the bog and has not been seen wearing had something to do with it. Company CEO, The couple have quickly adjusted to hav- in parking fines. snorkeling gear of any kind. They became Antonio Federici says that the “conception ing a son rather than a daughter and now When he originally applied for the permit Poor Performance For Joy- the World Championships in 1985, and part,” represents the development of his Olivia has a new name, Dylan. a spokesman told him, “He was young and Riding Cops In Sports Car over the years have raised money for vari- delicious ice cream product and will ignore “I love Dylan just as much. He’s the same may get better.” Two further applications ous charities, including the Cystic Fibrosis the ASA’s ruling that he discontinue such baby,” said Robson, who is now wondering MANCHESTER police pulled over a man Society and the Motor Neurone Association. were denied. driving a posh sports car in Hale, and after advertising. Federici is not a stranger to the what to do with a room filled with ‘baby girl’ “What do they expect,” said the very angry There are no ties or draws and if winning ASA, and a couple of years ago had a poster cards sent by wellwishers. booking him for drinking and driving, they times are exactly the same, the competitors soldier. “My leg to grow back?” requested a recovery truck to take the vehicle banned that showed a nun and a priest about The 27-year-old is getting support from must complete the course again in what is to embrace one another. Federici says a new away. While waiting however, the two of- called – a bog-off. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang the British Limbless Ex-Service Men’s As- ficers looked in wonderment at the beautiful poster on the same theme is in the works, Replica Built By Dad sociation who are outraged at the lack of This year the new world champion is and the authorities will not deter him from yellow Mitsubishi Lance Evolution VII turbo- Dan Morgan of Brecon, who also set a new STUART WALLIS bought a 1976 Land compassion and understanding. charged four wheel drive car which can do marketing his ice cream. However, the support of BLESMA and world bog snorkeling record of one-minute Rover, and, meeting a challenge from his 0-65mph in three and half seconds with a top 30.66secs. Dineka Maquire was the new daughter, turned the old vehicle into a replica some local publicity finally got the attention speed of 175mph. It was late at night, no-one Neighbours Angry At Loud of the council’s top brass. women’s champion with a time of one- of the famous movie flying car Chitty Chitty was around and the two officers figured they minute 31.90secs. Vera Lynn Music Bang Bang. Council spokesman Ernie Stables say would treat themselves to a short spin in this amputees are regular issued disabled parking CHARITY office Age Concern is in trouble Wallis, 52, stripped the 34-year-old wreck spectacular looking motor car. Nessie In The English Channel with its neighbours over playing Vera Lynn down to its chassis, engine and wheels be- permits, and does not know why Lee’s case It turned out to be a very short spin – Croc Off Coast Of France? is any different. music too loudly. fore transforming it into his own version of indeed. IS GLOBAL warming effecting the marine The organisation in Kingston has operated the famous flying car. The Hampshire man “We are promptly looking in this matter,” No sooner had the ignition sparked said service director Paul McKay, who has population of the English Channel, have a drop-in centre for elderly residents since took on the project after his eldest daughter, and pulled away, than they lost complete unknown and much larger species taken up 1988, but a noise nuisance officer visited Lily, watched the classic film and challenged demanded that his staff immediately set up control. The vehicle traversed the gardens an interview to settle the dispute. residence in this stretch of water that sepa- them last week after an official complaint him to make a similar one. of two nearby luxury homes, before the rate Britain from France? Earlier this summer, was made. After visiting Beaulieu Motor Museum Johno Lee drives a BMW with an au- car tipped and rolled over on its side. The tomatic shift, but said, ‘I’d give it all back Gill Pearce watched in wonderment as a Suzanne Sutherland lives next door to to take photos and measurements of a officers escaped without injuries but the car creature with the body of a turtle and long the centre, which is open between 10am separate replica, he set to work at his New in exchange for my leg and my career in is a write-off. the army.” neck, chased a frightened shoal of fish onto and 2:30pm for about 40 residents, and has Forest Metal Works business. Wallis and a A local police spokesman reports that the the beaches of Saltern Cove, in Paignton, been left “tearing her hair out” after constant six strong team built the vehicle over three officers are suspended from duty while an Devon. Pearce likened it to similar pictures repetitions of The White Cliffs of Dover and months turning the Land Rover for which Vegetables Are Really ‘Big’ investigation takes place. he had seen of the Loch Ness monster. He We’ll Meet Again. he paid £1,000 into a copy of the world Nowadays In UK reported the sighting to the Marine Conserva- She claimed it had been turned into famous car. SHEPTON Mallet’s National Gardening Show Airline Boss Suggests tion Society who discounted out any strange an “entertainment hub” according to The Stuart said: “My kids have always enjoyed is renowned for the enormous vegetables on £1 Fee For Toilet Use turtle species, because turtles do not eat fish. Telegraph, with karaoke sessions and guest the film so I thought ‘why not?’. show, and this year was no different. Peter THE quirky boss of the budget airline Ryanair, It was later thought to be a sperm whale, but singers. “I’m sure whoever is singing is trying “The children all helped with the building Glazebrook from Northampton, proudly dis- Michael O’Leary, has potential customers the MSC pointed out that sperm whales do their best, but it is not what you need to hear of the car so they were all aware of how it played the biggest potato in the world, and is scratching their head after suggesting that not swim close to shore in the shallows. The all day,” said Sutherland. was progressing but now it is finished I don’t waiting confirmation from the Guinness Book planes did not need co-pilots, and air host- mystery remains unsolved. Anne Bren, business manager for the think they can quite believe it.” of Records to be included in the next edition. esses could be trained to land aircraft in Last month, further north up the channel centre, denied it was in breach of planning The vehicle features a 1,000 watt amplifier The tater weighed in at an amazing 8lb 4oz, emergencies. One experienced pilot called however, French bathers at Boulogne- laws and that loud music was played over under the bonnet and loudspeakers so it can nine ounces larger than the previous world it “beyond preposterous.” He has also sug- sur-mer, fled the beaches in terror. They a “Tanoy”. blast out hits from the film, as well as eight record spud. The Northampton gardener gested that passengers be charged a quid for spotted a long reptilian creature cruising “We occasionally have visiting performers sets of air horns to create animal noises and said he has been trying ten years to grow using the restrooms during flights. The Irish the shoreline that looked suspiciously like a on special occasions such as Christmas and police sirens. the world biggest potato, and accounts his airline has proved a success in Europe, but large crocodile. Easter, who will sometimes use a portable In keeping with the film, it has red and success to a long growing season. O’Leary has battled rising costs and fewer Could it have been a Salty? One of those PA system,” she said. yellow wings attached to the sides – although Other big veggies that attracted visitors commuters, and recently ended all Ryanair monster Crocs that inhabit the Northern Terri- “I suppose it is possible that on rare occa- making the contraption fly for real was a step was a pumpkin weighing 1210lbs, that was flights from Britain to Belfast. tories of Australia? If so, how did it get there? sions this might be audible from Sutherland’s too far, even for Mr Wallis. October 2010 Page 3 happen again. Cliffs of Dover, Ben Nevis, the Gower Pen- £114 FINE FOR THE WRONG STOP insula and the Giant’s Causeway have been Bureaucracy gone mad department: A added using special printing techniques to couple travelling home from London were make the passport harder to copy. fined £114 for leaving their train two stops The personal details page has been moved early. from the back to the front of the passport, in Emma Clark and Davyd Winter-Bates, from line with many other European countries, the Hampshire, were on a train to Southampton USA, Australia and New Zealand. Officials say after a theatre trip to London to celebrate Mr that this should help Britons by reducing the SARAH Ferguson, Duchess of York, will Winter-Bates’ 25th birthday. But the engaged time that immigration officials abroad spend be the subject of a six-part documentary pair, who were travelling on discounted £6 trying to find the personal details page. on talkshow host Oprah Winfrey’s new tickets, disembarked early, at Eastleigh in Existing passports are valid until their OWN channel when it’s launched at the Hampshire, to meet friends. expiry date. (Surprise, surprise!) beginning of January. The series Finding When they showed their tickets, officials HOTEL ROOM: £9 A NIGHT Sarah, wil be aired during the fi rst quarter What Hope For The Pope? told them that they had breached the rules A no-frills hotel where rooms cost as little of 2011, and shares with viewers her per- POPE Benedict XVI (that’s the 16th) visited Britain last month, and was met by and should have stayed on the train until their as £9 a night has opened at Waterloo in West- sonal struggle to rebuild her life, says Lisa a wave of protests and controversy as his ‘roadshow’ rolled into London. stated destination. They were each fined £57, minster Bridge Road. But there are extras. Erspamer, chief creative offi cer at OWN. There were protests about his handling of the problems of child abuse, abortion, homo- twice the standard fare. Using a similar strategy to budget airline She adds, “With the help of experts Dr sexuality and contraception. Miss Clark, a 22-year-old art student from Ryanair, Malaysian hotel chain Tune Hotels Phil McGraw, Suze Orman, Martha Beck Hampshire, said: “It is utter madness. I could will charge its customers extra for everything and others, the duchess will open up about The churches regard this visit as a chance of publisher Random House in Pimlico, after understand being fined if I had stayed on the from towels to using the hair dryer and even her recent public troubles and explore her to assert themselves in an increasingly secu- threats from anti-war protesters. He cancelled train two stops beyond my destination.” getting the room cleaned. . lifelong battles with weight, relationships lar world. For the politicians and organisers, it a planned signing at Waterstone’s, saying A spokesman for Stagecoach, which runs The tiny rooms will cost £35 a night for and fi nances.” is a challenge for even the most experienced that he did not want to subject the public South West Trains, said that leaving a train a standard, with an occasional offer price of * * * officials. to the ‘inevitable hassle’ which the protest early – known as travelling ‘short’ – was not £9, and come with a comfortable bed, power AUDIENCES at For a start, the visit was part pastoral would cause. Protesters accused him of allowed on heavily discounted tickets. shower and a laptop stand. the Toronto Film and part state, which, as one official said, is ‘running scared’. It is against the ticket’s terms and condi- But luggage storage costs £2, getting the Festival voted “quite a combination” and as a head of state Shoppers said that they wanted a signed tions. room cleaned adds a further £7.50 and us- Tom Hooper’s The the Pope receives full state honours. But copy of the book because it was ‘a piece ROBBERY WITH VIOLINS ing the hair dryer costs £1, with each towel King’s Speech, the little local difficulty of the Reformation of history’ – or so that they could sell it on A music student and her father were used costing £1.50. A night spent watching the winner of the still colours some of the interplay between eBay. barred from a Ryanair flight because they television will set you back £3, and using the People’s Choice the monarch and the head of the Roman VIVE LA FRANCE! hadn’t bought an extra ticket for her violin. room’s safe will cost an extra £2. prize. Catholic Church. London’s first French language terrestrial Twelve-year-old Francesca Rijks had planned The hotel does not offer room service Starring Geof- Geoffrey Rush Gremlins haunted the event from the start, radio station will begin broadcasting in No- to put the valuable instrument in the overhead – snacks can be bought from vending frey Rush as a speech therapist to King when The Spectator magazine revealed that vember. French Radio London is designed locker as hand luggage. machines – but air conditioning is free and George V1, portrayed by Colin Firth, plans for the visit were a financial and or- to offer the capital’s 400,000 native French But even though her father says airline management promise a ‘five-star bed’. the true story brings a festival prize of ganisational mess, and two young employees speakers a reminder of their own culture. staff had told him that it would be permitted, The chain’s first hotel is the one at Water- $14,500. of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Eighty per cent of the music will be French. workers at the gate demanded that they loo. If it is a success, 15 more will be opened * * * were disciplined for e-mailing suggestions TRAIN SENT ON COLLISION bought a third ticket costing an extra £190 – across Greater London by 2017, creating an COMEDY actress Betty White, and actor for the Pope’s visit laden with mockery of COURSE more than double the cost of their own seats. additional 1,500 rooms and representing a Jeff Bridges, will be honoured by the Brit- his stance on abortion, homosexuality and A major safety scare occurred on the Tube Otherwise it would have to be put into the £150m investment in the capital’s hospital- ish Academy of Film and Television Arts/ contraception. last month when a westbound Hammersmith hold, at risk of catastrophic damage. ity sector. Los Angeles, at BAFTA/LA’s Britannia The saga embodied the very deep divi- and City line train was switched onto an Reluctantly, they agreed to pay, but by BA PLANS FLIGHT EXPANSION Awards, on November 4, at the Century sions in the body politic at the prospect of eastbound track at the height of the morning that time boarding was closed and they had British Airways is planning to expand its Plaza Hotel in LA. Benedict’s arrival and was one reason why rush hour. It was the third safety alert within to fly home from Germany by easyJet, which transatlantic flight routes from London City White will receive the Charlie Chap- Lord Patten, the Oxford Chancellor, was three months, and comes after a Northern accepted the violin as hand luggage. Now Airport as part of a host of big investments lin award for comedy, and Bridges will called in to restore “a sense of calm and line service train travelled through six stations the Dutch-born Mr Rijks, 49, a management planned by airline chief Willie Walsh to capi- take home the Stanley Kubrick trophy purpose” to the preparations. without a driver. consultant from Macclesfield, Cheshire, has talise on BA’s recovery from recession. for fi lm. For the Queen, it is an inconvenience: she Initial investigations have found the demanded a refund from Ryanair and has The news could lead to a jobs boost at * * * has to break off her holiday at Balmoral to problem in the signal equipment at Plaistow urged other musicians and their families to the capital’s smallest major airport. BA’s POPULAR British chef Jamie Oliver, go to Edinburgh – “already something of a station. A senior Tube official said: “A signal avoid the airline. direct route from London City to New whose TV series Jamie Oliver’s Food sacrifice,” as one official said. fault like this has all the potential of a major NEW LOOK PASSPORTS York – launched last September – had been Revolution won an Emmy for top real- It is interesting to note that various eminent disaster.” A new British passport was unveiled last ‘hugely successful’ and the airline is looking ity series, has been asked to do six more atheists want to have the Pope arrested for The woman driver received a green signal month in a bid to improve security and speed at ordering more Airbus A318 planes which episodes for ABC-TV network. crimes against humanity, and, says one and started off, crossing track points at the up immigration checks overseas. have to be specially modified to cater for the Oliver who was teaching students in commentator, “even the faithful seem under- end of the platform. A short distance outside The redesigned document will be issued short runway.. West Virginia about healthy eating, is enthused.” the station she slammed on the brakes as to new applicants from October. It contains a FINALLY coming to Los Angeles, to do likewise. TRIBUTE TO PM’s ‘BRILLIANT she realised that she was on an eastbound microchip hidden in the cover and holograms If there were a world ban on radishes, He and Ryan Seacrest are executive FATHER’ track. covered by a transparent ‘foil’ varnish to cut would it stop history from repeating itself? producers. Prime Minister David Cameron has paid London Underground has launched a the risk of fraud and cloning. [emailprotected] The chef’s first series that began in tribute to his ‘brilliant father’ Ian, who has died full investigation amid fears that this could Pictures of landmarks including the White March, drew high ratings, and the net- at the age of 77. He suffered a fatal stroke work’s offer for more of his cooking while on holiday in France. expertise. “He was my inspiration,” he said. “We Melons Grow With Large Support Chheckeck outout ourour newnew looklook! One of his main achievements has been will miss him terribly, but we have a bank of A FARMER has raised bust the better, reported campaigning around the world to improve memories that can never be exhausted” others eyebrows at her Rex Features. children’s healthy eating habits. Mr Cameron has returned to Downing melon-growing method Rowie said: “We had Street, but put off public engagements for – she grows the fruit in such a fantastic crop of several days rather than take time off dur- bra cups. melons and I was strug- ing his bereavement so soon after taking Rowie Meers is proudly gling to stop them swing- paternity leave for the birth of his daughter showing off her melons ing to low. We needed Florence, whose grandfather did not live to after using bras to grow something to suspend The Perfect see her. them on her farm. them. My eureka moment Family friends said that Ian Cameron had Meers, 45, asked customers at Purton came when I thought something needed to been ‘proud’ to see his son become Prime House Organics to donate their unwanted be done then looked down at my B cup – I Minister and visited 10 Downing Street and underwear to support the melons after realised the answer was under my nose. Xmas Gift Here! Chequers after the election. discovering they were hanging too low “I thought let’s use bras because they BLAIR’s SUCCESSFUL ‘JOURNEY’ to fl ourish. suspend my melons very well so let’s use Hundreds queued outside Waterstone’s She now uses over 40 bras to hoist them for this. My customers have been $35$ for a bookshop in Piccadilly to buy a copy of ex- the fruit from the ceilings of her farm in sending in their bras to help me out. A size Prime Minister Tony Blair’s book A Journey Swindon, Wilts, and claims the bigger the D cup seems to be the best for them.” One Year Prezzy! last month. Fans began queueing at midnight to get a copy of the book – the fastest selling autobiography since records began. All 500 copies were sold in just over an hour after doors opened at 9am Some 92,000 copies were sold in the first four days. Mr Blair signed the books at the head office Page 4 October 2010 Vatican Declares Brit Paras v US Marines 70 Years On, Battle Of Britain Pilots Remember Pope’s Visit Success In Marathon Challenge Continued from page 1 Continued from page 1 Continued from page 1 were killed. Almost 800 more died before marking a very different but no less poi- the end of the war. gnant commemoration for a German pope the Marine Corps Marathon – “The It is thought about 100 Battle of Britain on British soil: the 70th anniversary of Peoples’ Marathon”. The event veterans survive: silver-haired men in navy the Battle of Britain, when Nazi German will raise awareness and funds on blazers with a resolute cheerfulness and a bombers attacked Britain during World behalf of wounded soldiers in the matter-of-fact manner. War II. UK and US. “We were cocky. Stupidly cocky, if “For me, as one who lived and suffered The Allied Forces Foundation is you like,” said Wilkinson, 92, who fl ew through the dark days of the Nazi regime a British-American foundation es- Spitfi res. “We just didn’t envisage defeat. in Germany, it is deeply moving to be here tablished to recognize and further Some people may have been killed and with you on this occasion and to recall the Special Relationship of both so forth, but basically we knew we were how many of your fellow citizens sacri- those nations, and to work to raise going to win.” fi ced their lives, courageously resisting awareness and funding primarily Stephen Bungay, author of a book about the forces of that evil ideology,” Benedict for our common wounded and their the Battle of Britain, The Most Dangerous told the crowd. families affected by the confl icts in Enemy, thinks it was a pivotal moment in Benedict was forced to join the Hitler Iraq and Afghanistan. British – and world – history. Youth and then served in the army before SALUTES “If the Luftwaffe had been able to deserting near the end of World War II. He The Allied Forces Foundation establish air superiority and subject has spoken out before about the evil of the salutes our comrades of the Com- London to unobstructed bombing round Nazi regime, but not even at the Auschwitz monwealth and other nations of the clock,” he said, Britain would not the Steadfast Alliance in these Royal Air Force pilots pose for pictures with Dame Vera Lynn as they attend a Nazi death camp in Poland, nor at Israel’s have remained in the war, leaving Hitler ceremony to mark the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain last month. Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial, did he conflicts, and additionally works triumphant across Europe, opposed only refer to his personal experience as a Ger- to raise awareness and funds for by the Soviet Union. posed superiority of the Spitfi re and the time to be scared. Air crews were often man who lived through it. their wounded and families who “Churchill’s speeches of the time were Hurricane over German fi ghter planes. scrambled several times a day, snatching a The Mass was the last major event share the common pain. incredibly prescient,” Bungay said. “He “We had pea shooters for guns,” said few hours’ sleep between missions. of Benedict’s trip, which saw him again said ‘We are fi ghting by ourselves alone, Tom Neil, 90, who shot down 17 enemy Rose, who was wounded in action in apologizing for the sex abuse scandal, The Parachute Regiment Charity but we are not fighting for ourselves aircraft and won the Distinguished Flying is grateful for the AFF’s invitation September 1940, said that whenever the meeting with abuse victims, and praising alone.”’ Cross as a Hurricane pilot. “Three hun- planes landed, ground crew were “very British bishops for their response to it. to the event and for their hospital- NOSTALGIA dred rounds per gun, which could go 14.7 ity to our team. While competing disappointed if we hadn’t been in action, He also sought to ease tensions with the Time and nostalgia have laid a mythic seconds. The Germans had 100 rounds per and I think so were we.” Anglican Church by making a historic visit in the USA, Team PARA will also gloss on The Few. The pilots are seen gun and 60 rounds for their cannons. They be helping raise the profi le of Aza- as romantic, solitary fi gures, combining could destroy us with four shots of their “It’s funny how enthusiastic one was, to Westminster Abbey, seat of the Church despite the frights and the rest of it.” of England. He told bishops they should lea Charities which raises funds the chivalry of a bygone age of one-on- explosive ammunition. We sometimes had be “generous” in letting Anglicans convert for Wounded American Warriors. one combat with the machine power of to hit an aircraft with 100 shots before we Online: modern war. even damaged it.” RAF Battle of Britain site: to Catholicism. The previous day saw one of the biggest marine.shtml The pilots themselves are eager to shoot All agree that the intense concentration For more information Churchill War Rooms: anti-pope protest of Benedict’s fi ve-year down some of the myths – such as the sup- and the frantic pace of the battle left little papacy as some 10,000 people marched contact:Stephen Cooper, Director of against him through central London, op- Charities, The Parachute Regiment posed to his policies on homosexuality and [emailprotected] UK 020 contraception and disgusted by the clerical 8876 2677/07946 531139 UK Prosecutor Backs US-Style Murder Charges sex abuse scandal. ONE OF Britain’s top prosecutors said last “We should have degrees murder would cover “intentional killing” Yet more than 100,000 cheering people Ed Miliband Makes month he supports the idea of introducing or killings carried out by defendants who lined London’s streets to watch the pope US-style homicide charges, backing legal of murder, rather in the intended to infl ict serious harm. Second go by in his Popemobile on the fi nal day of reformers who claim that England’s 17th degree murder would cover, among other his visit Saturday night and another 80,000 First Pitch To Voters Continued from page 1 century murder laws are long overdue for way they do in the US” things, murder following provocation, massed in Hyde Park for a prayer vigil, a change. while manslaughter would, for example, remarkable numbers given the indifference the answer,” Miliband said. – Director of Public Prosecutions Currently English homicide law rec- Keir Starmer cover killing through gross negligence. and downright hostility prior to the visit Miliband, the son of Polish-Jewish left- ognizes only two categories of offense: The Law Commission’s proposals and the fact that Catholics make up only ist intellectuals who fl ed Nazi Europe, is manslaughter and murder. Legal experts English laws covering homicide, as- weren’t adopted wholesale. Instead, the 10 percent of Britain’s population. a former adviser to Brown and previously here have argued that that unfairly exposes pects of which date back hundreds of Labour Party government in power at the And an alleged terrorist threat against the country’s energy and climate change some defendants to murder charges even years, have long been seen as inadequate. time made adjustments to laws covering the pope that resulted in the arrests of six secretary. He beat his 45-year-old brother when they didn’t intend to kill while at the In a 2006 report to Parliament, Britain’s provocation and criminal responsibility. people appeared to fi zzle out. Scotland David to lead their party, securing a slim same time being too lenient to those who Law Commission described the legal The Ministry of Justice said in a state- Yard released the men overnight without advantage of 1.3 percent of votes in a ballot kill by reckless conduct. regime as “a rickety structure set upon ment that it was aware of the Law Com- charges. of legislators, party activists and about 3.5 “Many of us think that that’s an aspect shaky foundations,” and outlined a series mission’s report, which it said it would million labor union members. of the law which needs reforming,” Direc- of reforms in a 265-page report. consider. The government has indicated UNTAINTED tor of Public Prosecutions Keir Starmer CHANGES that the issue of reforming homicide law Unlike hundreds of other British legisla- told BBC radio. “We should have degrees Among the Law Commission’s pro- would be among the things tackled by a tors, the new party chief was untainted in of murder, rather in the way they do in posed changes was the creation of a three- promised review of Britain’s sentencing the expense scandal last summer and found the US” tier system of murder charges. First degree rules. to have made only modest claims. The elder Miliband, David, an ex- foreign secretary who had long been tipped S Publishers to succeed Brown, announced September S H B A Ronald Choularton 29 that he not only would not be joining II S C Jeff Choularton T his brother’s team but would not remain in II O “Guy Fawkes Night” Special Editor the shadow cabinet. RR NN Ronald Choularton The South Shields MP said he was BB Remember, Remember ADVERTISING & EDITORIAL OFFICES standing down because he did not want Union Jack Publishing PO Box 1823, La Mesa, CA 91944-1823 Labour to be distracted by talk of a split Tel: (619) 466-3129 / FAX: (619) 337-1103 between the brothers. the 5th of November, (800) 262-7305 (subscriptions and advertising ONLY) Ed Miliband said: “I spoke to David E-mail: [emailprotected] Website: earlier, and while it would have been fan- Gunpowder, Treason, FLORIDA ADVERTISING/EDITORIAL tastic to have him serving in my shadow Patricia Kawaja Tel: (305) 371-9340 cabinet, he has made a thoughtful and Sausages, and Parkin Cake! © Copyright Union Jack Publishing 2010. gracious decision.
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Sausage suppliers to Virgin Airways October 2010 Page 5 The auditor should be someone other than the person who is charged with completing the Prince William Takes I-9 during the hiring process. The reason is that if the same person audits that completed, Flight As A Pilot he or she is unlikely to see anything wrong. COMPLETION of his RAF training last The audit should look to ensure that each month saw Prince William graduate as a field is completed and completed properly. fully operational search and rescue pilot. It should also verify that the latest version of Flight Lieutenant Wales, as he is known, the I-9 form was used at the time of that hire. will be presented with a certifi cate and his The ICE-Man Cometh (Again) Any corrections that need to be made should squadron badge by Group Captain Jona- be made and that each should be dated than Dixon at RAF Valley in Anglesey. US IMMIGRATION & Customs Enforcement provides the employer with an opportunity to and initialed. Depending on the headcount Following his graduation he will join 22 (ICE) has recently advised that they have fix certain deficiencies. The ICE agent then of the company, either each and every I-9 Squadron – C fl ight as a co-pilot of a Sea begun an enforcement initiative comprised serves on the employer its findings which should be audited or some representative King helicopter. of serving Notices of Inspection on approxi- can either be a clean bill of health, a warning sample such as every 10th one or only I-9s During 70 hours of live fl ying and 50 mately 500 businesses across the country. or a Notice of Intent to Fine (NIF). The fine for employees whose last names starts with hours of simulator training he has learned enrolled on one of the world’s toughest This follows a similar initiative at the end can either be paid or challenged. Historically, certain letters. to manoeuvre the aircraft with pinpoint helicopter fl ying courses. No concessions of last year involving over 600 businesses there was broad discretion in the amount of Although an administrative burden, com- accuracy. were made to his royal status. He was across the country. This time, ICE will be fines levied. Now, ICE adheres to a stricter pleting and maintaining I-9s does not have William will now have the job of rescu- treated the same as everyone else, giving targeting employers who are likely to have fine regimen that takes such things into ac- to be difficult. The completer should be ing stranded mountaineers, swimmers and him a sense of normality that he and his hired unauthorized workers, paid unfair wage count as whether the violation is technical well trained and I-9s should be audited on a others in distress. brother crave. or are otherwise exploiting workers. With the or substantive, how many I-9s their were regular basis by another trained staff person. He said: “I am really delighted to have As second in line to the throne Wil- tax base significantly smaller than it has been, violations, whether there has been historical Once there is confidence in a company’s I-9 completed the training course with my liam, unlike Prince Harry, will never be this has been identified as a fruitful source of I-9 violations, the size of the company, the program, if and when the ICE-man cometh, fellow students. The course has been allowed to go to the frontline. Becoming adding to the shallow Federal coffers. seriousness of the violations and the number there will be no need to fear. challenging, but I have enjoyed it im- a search and rescue pilot was seen as the The process to expect is that first, a Notice of unauthorized employees detected. mensely. perfect compromise, as it allowed him to of Inspection (NOI) is served on the employer. Generally, fines can be from $110-$1,100 Mitch Wexler is a partner with Fragomen, “I absolutely love fl ying, so it will be see active service and pursue his love of The employer then has three days within per I-9 and up to $3,200 for more serious vio- Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP, resident in an honour to serve operationally with the fl ying without being exposed to unneces- which present their I-9s to the ICE agent. The lations. Fines can add up quickly if the same its Irvine, CA office. He has been practicing Search and Rescue Force, helping to pro- sary danger. agent then returns with a report of any techni- mistake is made on every I-9. This is why it immigration law for 25 years and welcomes vide such a vital emergency service.” He will be based at RAF Valley for a cal/procedural or substantive violations and is a good idea to regularly audit your I-9s. any queries to [emailprotected] or In January 2009, Prince William three-year tour of duty. At some stage he Somebody Didn’t ‘Tie Me Wallaby Down Sport . . .’ (949) 660-3531. swapped the Army for the RAF and may be deployed to the Falklands. BRIAN HOOSON couldn’t believe his lawn near Keighley, Yorkshire. eyes last month when he looked out of his window and saw a four-foot wallaby Brian is now feeding the wallaby, hopping across his lawn. dubbed Wally, and said: “It sure beats IMPROVE YOUR UK PENSION BENEFITS For a brief moment, Hoosson, a na- squirrels and birds in your garden.” tive of Australia thought he was back In 2009 local paper the Keighley at his country of birth. News also reported a sighting, and The Sun reported that Hooson, 64, claimed the wallaby was a male who es- spotted the marsupial grazing on his caped from a farm in Barnoldswick. Gain Control Wide Investment choice Cash availability Self Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) or Qualified Recognised Overseas PensionScheme (QROPS) Which is best for you? 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The POLICE move in different areas of society, Over at Emily’s, an old letter turns up from character of Lucy Beale is being recast so and in one county when covering diffi cult 1961 when Norris strips the skirting board. Lucy makes a hasty exit from the Square, farmlands the solution to vehicle effi ciency It’s a letter to Ken from a very old girlfriend, but not before dropping the bomb on Jane has been solved . . . a police tractor. Susan Cunningham, which leads to Susan’s that she had an abortion, not a miscarriage, One such tractor has been given a po- ROY AND Hayley are married this month, de- son Lawrence turning up on the Street. Deir- and that Ian knew. At first Jane plans to leave lice makeover, including a fl ashing blue spite mad Mary almost uncoupling the happy dre clocks immediately that Ken’s the lad’s OK, so as I thought, it wasn’t Denise’s body Ian but then decides it will be much better to light, to help tackle crime in rural areas. couple. As Roy drives a steam train to the dad, the two are so alike it’s untrue. “I’ll put in the canal. It was someone else Lucas fleece him before she goes... Lincolnshire police force has added the wedding venue, Hayley and the bridesmaids the kettle on,” she tells them as she leaves murdered to make people think it was Denise. Disturbing things are happening in Phil’s John Deere 6630 tractor to its fleet of are in the last carriage, unaware that Mary’s the two men alone, to which they both reply, In actual fact, while her children are mourning house: Jealous of the attention his dad crime-fi ghting vehicles. uncoupled their carriage from the main train. heads turned in unison to her: “That’ll be her death, and her funeral is taking place, and lavishes on Lou, Ben starts abusing her the Offi cers will use it to patrol farmers’ And so, Hayley’s carriage sits on a train line lovely, two sugars, please.” Lawrence’s son the Old Bill are closing their investigation of way Stella abused him, burning her with a markets, agricultural auctions and other in the middle of nowhere until they figure James also turns up and Ken finds his new Owen’s murder, Lucas is holding Denise hot spoon. He denies it. events during the autumn to promote the out what’s gone on and get out. At first they family so much fun he forgets his old family hostage in an old basement somewhere. She Lou wants to see her mum but Phil won’t combat of crime in the countryside. It will walk, then run, then find a pump wagon to completely. Deirdre is not best pleased. looks defeated as he lectures her that this is hear of it, practically holding her prisoner in also play a pivitol role in highlighting the get the bride to the venue in time for her to There’s bad news for Steve and Becky all her fault and the bible says he’s right and the house. Peggy thinks it best that Lou gets Lincolnshire Farm and Country Business say “I do”. this month when they’re turned down by the she should be grateful to him. After a few the chance to see her mum, so behind Phil’s Watch, a neighbourhood watch scheme The knicker factory reopens and John adoption panel. Becky finds out that her half- weeks of this she finally convinces him to back she takes her to see Lisa. After slapping encouraging residents to be vigilant and knows that Colin Fishwick’s dead body lies sister Kylie lied on a reference to Children’s let her go and she finds out she was being Lisa for what she did by taking Lou away, report and crimes or suspicious activity. under the freshly laid cement. When the Services, discovers where her sister lives held in the basement of the abandoned house they agree to visitation. Lou wants to stay Chief Inspector Phil Vickers came up girls return to work, Julie thinks she smells and goes to have a word. The warring sisters next door to hers. She stumbles next door and for an overnight visit, and Peggy reluctantly with the idea for the police tractor, which something funny but the smell is coming soon make up and Kylie ends up moving into walks in on Libby’s birthday party. Libby is agrees. When Phil finds out he goes right was donated by John Deere while the from Hayley’s sardine sandwiches so the the Rover’s Return where she causes no end thrilled to see her but Chelsea believes what back to get her but by then Lisa and Lou have National Farmers Union helped to supply stench was something fishy, not something of trouble and steals Steve’s motorbike from her dad has told them, that she’s a murderer. disappeared. Again... the paint job. Fishwick. the pub yard. She also flashes her eyelashes Then Lucas barges in and takes them all hos- Meanwhile Ben’s court date comes up and NFU regional director Richard Hezlet Natasha continues to pretend to Nick that and her cleavage at all the available men, tage. After they escape out into the Square, instead of getting the slap on the wrist they added: “Farm tractors and implements she’s expecting their baby even though she’s including her brother-in-law. and the cops come, Lucas is finally arrested were expecting, he gets sentenced to nine seem to be at the top of thieves’ shopping not pregnant. She even steals Fiz’s baby scan And finally this month, Molly gives birth and Denise hospitalized for her injuries... months in prison and is taken away. We see lists at the moment, so NFU is delighted and shows it to Nick, pretending it’s theirs, to her baby but there’s still doubt over who Across the Square ... Danny Mitchell’s him a few more times, as Peggy and Phil go to to support Lincolnshire Police in its drive until Fiz finds out what she’s up to and tells the father is – Tyrone or Kev? She goes into days, of trying to fleece Roxy, are numbered visit and he’s covered with cuts and bruises. to make farmers aware of how they can her she’s got to tell Nick the truth. labour in her living room and it’s left to Sally when Glenda returns and throws him under After Phil asks who did it, and sees the punk better protect their farms. Owen the builder starts winking at Eileen to roll up her sleeves, don a determined look the bus to dissuade suspicion from herself. in the visiting room, Phil tries to warn him while giving Liz the glad eye in the Rover’s on her face and spring into action. “Get that So Danny leaves and Glenda sets out to now off and the kid attacks Phil and knocks him Mini-Moo: 33-Inch English Return. He takes Eileen out on a date and she flaming table moved, Kevin, I’m going to separate her girls from Peggy, to manipulate to the ground. He’s just made things worse gets blind drunk. “Do you want to come in for wash my hands!” And with that, Sally brings them and turn them against her. She is for Ben and now Ben refuses to see any of Cow World’s Smallest a night cap?” she asks him at the end of the baby Jack into the world, but is it baby Dobbs helped in that after Ronnie finally admits his family. (Sadly, the actor who plays Ben is A MINUSCULE cow with a taste for night. “And by night cap, I do mean sex!” or baby Webster? to all what Archie had done to her; that he also being recast, so he will leave prison next contemporary music has been named the Deirdre and Lewis are caught on CCTV Glenda Young started molesting her (at 13) on an ongo- year, a whole ‘new’ man). But Phil, now with world’s smallest by the Guinness World having a kiss in the betting shop and the ing basis. Glenda believes it straight away, no kids, doesn’t just turn back to alcohol, he Records book. video gets aired at Audrey’s leaving party. but Roxy doesn’t and neither does Peggy. meets the wrong junkie (Tanya’s sister) and Guinness says the sheep-sized bovine She’s due to fly to a new life in Greece with Two For The Price Of One Ronnie talks Roxy around by reminding her gets turned on to crack, hitting bottom very from the West Yorkshire region of north- greasy Lewis and at the party in Gail’s house All ads listed in the of certain events and explaining what was quickly. And setting into motion events that ern England measures roughly 33 inches everyone’s gathered for wine and goodbyes. Union Jack ClassAds from hind to foot. also appear on behind them. But when Peggy still doubts will change the entire Square... Peter storms in to show the video of the kiss, her, Ronnie moves out and in with Roxy and If you’d like to keep up The 11-year-old cow is named Swal- demanding his £4,4000 back that Lewis has See page 14 Glenda, leaving Peggy alone in the Vic (which with all things EastEnders, low and her owner, Caroline Ryder, said fraudulently “won” on a fake bet on a horse. Roxy turns over to her). But in the heat of an just sign up for my FREE, she spends her days either grazing with argument, Glenda admits to Peggy that she weekly e-newsletter, The her herd or listening to BBC radio in her knew what Archie was doing before she left, E20 Chronicles. To start cowshed. but she left anyway, leaving the girls with receiving yours, just Swallow is a Dexter cow, a breed known Archie, to save herself. When Peggy tells email me here at the for its diminutive stature, but is small even Bit O'Britain this to the girls, they tell Glenda to go and Launderette: E20Laun- by Dexter standards. She already has nine never come back... [emailprotected] regular-sized calves and is pregnant with Meanwhile, Pat is getting fed up with Your Faithful Reporter, her 10th. Guinness said her youngest calf British Foods, Goods being Bianca’s go-to babysitter so Peggy Deborah Gilbert, AKA Ishcabibble has already grown larger than she is. & Gift Shop Perfect Gift Immigration • Divorce Visit our Shop & Experience One Year a “Wee Bit” of the Green Card Flavor of the UK. of Working Visa Featuring a wide variety of: Union • Candies • Sweets • Biscuits • Collectables & Labor Certification Jack Souvenir Items • Frozen Bangers • Bacon Company Transfers • Scotch Pies & Steak Pies See International Students 2860 State St. • Carlsbad page (760) 434-9130 Marriage/Divorce E-mail: [emailprotected] 3
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DATE PORT ARRIVE DEPART DATE PORT ARRIVE DEPART DATE PORT ARRIVE DEPART DATE PORT ARRIVE DEPART Mar 16 Muscat, Oman overnight May 11 Venice, Italy overnight Aug 5 Portsmouth (London), U.K. 4pm Sep 16 Piraeus (Athens), Greece overnight Mar 17 Muscat, Oman 8pm May 12 Venice 11pm Aug 6 At Sea Sep 17 Piraeus (Athens) 1:30pm Mar 18 Sur, Oman 7am 1pm May 13 Ravenna, Italy 7:30am 3pm Aug 7 Farsund, Norway 2pm 8pm Sep 18 Çanakkale, Turkey 8.30am 3pm Mar 19 Cruise the Gulf of Oman May 14 Cruise the Adriatic Sea & Scenic Fjord Aug 8 Stavanger, Norway 8am 1pm Sep 19 Cruise Bosphorus & Black Sea & the Arabian Sea Kotor, Montenegro 7pm overnight Lysefjord, Norway Sep 20 Sinop, Turkey 8am 2pm Mar 20 Salalah, Oman 8am 2pm May 15 Kotor 3pm Afternoon scenic cruise Sep 21 Trabzon, Turkey 10am 7pm Mar 21-23 Cruising the Red Sea May 16 Crotone (Calabria), Italy 1pm 11pm Aug 9 Hardangerfjord, Norway Sep 22 Batumi, Georgia 7am 6pm Scenic Cruise Mar 24 Massawa, Eritrea 8am 6pm May 17 Cruise the Ionian Sea Sep 23 Cruise the Black Sea Aug 10 Flåm, Norway 11am 7pm Mar 25-26 Cruising the Red Sea May 18 Palermo, Sicily, Italy 8am 6pm Sep 24 Yalta, Ukraine 7am 11pm Aug 11 Olden, Norway noon 7pm Mar 27 Safaga (Luxor), Egypt 5am 11pm May 19 Cagliari, (Sardinia), Italy 1pm 11pm Sep 25 Sevastopol, Ukraine 8am 11pm Aug 12 Andalsnes, Norway 8am 2pm Mar 28 Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt 7am 7pm May 20 Cruise the Tyrrhenian Sea Sep 26 Odessa, Ukraine 1pm 11pm Aug 13 Trondheim, Norway 8am 4pm Mar 29 Aqaba (Petra), Jordan 7am overnight May 21 Naples, Italy 7am 11pm Sep 27 Cruise the Black Sea Aug 14 Ålesund, Norway 8am 11pm Mar 30 Aqaba (Petra), Jordan May 22 Gaeta, Italy 8am 3pm Sep 28 Nessebur, Bulgaria 7am 5pm Aug 15 Geiranger, Norway ‡ May 23 Bonifacio, Corsica, France 9am 4pm Scenic cruise Sep 29 Istanbul, Turkey 7am overnight May 24 Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy 7am overnight Aug 16 Bergen, Norway 9am 8pm Sep 30 Istanbul LAST CABINS May 25 Civitavecchia (Rome) Aug 17-18 At Sea » FROM $79 PER DAY » Aug 19 Portsmouth (London), U.K. 7am
‡At these ports you will be taken ashore by tender. * Fares are per person in U.S. dollars, based on double occupancy, may reflect additional savings off of Early Booking fares, are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Fares include Port Charges. Government fees and taxes, service fees and fuel surcharges (if applicable) are also included. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information; we reserve the right to correct errors. All rates are subject to change. Ship’s registry: Bahamas . ©Swan Hellenic 2010. All rights reserved.
INDIA ~ FAR EAST ~ MIDDLE EAST ~ MEDITERRANEAN ~ BLACK SEA ~ RED SEA ~ NORTH AFRICA ~ BRITISH ISLES ~ NORTHERN EUROPE ~ THE BALTIC Page 8 October 2010 Karen’s California Events Calendar October Nevada. DragonMarsh will be in attendance For upcoming British events in the Los Angeles area, check out Royal Clayton’s English Pub in LA is a 2: 21st Buccaneer Days at Two Harbors on London style Pub with no passport needed! Catalina Island, California http://www.ecatalina. Enchanting décor, appetizing menu, plus your com/calendar.html own cricket team! What more could you want You Say Tomato in the heart of San Francisco in a neighbor pub?! (213) 622-0512. has the largest range of British groceries you 16-17: California City Renaissance Festival could want. Call David and he’ll even have 10460 Heather Ave, California City www. your order ready and waiting for you (415) RECESSION, depression, a poor economy, 921-2828. Ye Olde Kings Head in Santa Monica invites and politicians that refuse to come together 2-3: Oceanside Harbor Days Oceanside you to watch the EPL Live in the Pub and to join for the common good to get this world mov- Harbor, Oceanside www.oceansidechamber. them for their Halloween Party with Great Prizes ing again, is as good a reason as I know to com/harbordays Oct 31. They’re Open for Breakfast at 9am daily run away to sea! And that’s exactly what we Cricket: Check out www.corinthiancricket- (8am weekends) (310) 451-1402. for the latest schedule. 16-17: Folsom Renaissance Faire Folsom did as we left Channel Islands Harbor just as City Lions Park, Folsom www.folsomfaire. dawn was breaking over the horizon. We set Festival of Sail in San Diego last month. 6: Plaza Pantry in Ojai invites you to enjoy sail and nothing mattered anymore. A differ- an English Afternoon Tea 1:30pm (805) 646- com ent kind of stress takes over. How to get the destroy, and kill one another. You know, good parents David and Ronda from Dartmouth, 6325. Make your plans now to attend the BABC most favorable wind possible. family entertainment! my home town! Small world. In the 40-plus Cameron’s Inn in Half Moon Bay is a fam- Christmas Dinner December 14 (310) 312- Oh look. The dolphins are swimming We had hoped to visit the best British Pub years I’ve been out of England I don’t think ily run pub with great food, homemade clam 1962. alongside the tall ship Bill of Rights www. in SD the Shakespeare, but time and trans- I’ve ever met anyone from Dartmouth. chowder, superb English fish and chips, and November It’s as if they were portation didn’t permit. Barely got to Gaslamp What was even more remarkable, David award winning Cameron’s Killer Burger. Enjoy 5-7: Tucson Celtic Festival & Highland encouraging us and showing us how to Village which was jumping. The UJ’s head and Ronda Leonard were at the Royal Naval the great Fall weather with a pint and meal on Games 4502 N 1st Ave, Tucson, Arizona www. make the most out of life as we sail some office is in San Diego so our founder, pub- College in Dartmouth this June when the BBC the patio (650) 726-5705. 35 miles off the coast south on the way to lisher for the past 28 years, UJ Editor, Ron were there to record a show for the Antiques 8-10: The Seaside Highland Games Seaside 1-30: Perfect time of the year to visit Santa the tall ships Festival of Sail in San Diego Choularton, stopped by the Bill and dropped Road Show, standing behind my brother Park on the Ventura County Fairgrounds, Ven- Cruz in the Channel Islands for hiking or self And what an event that off several hundred papers which were gone Stephen when he was presenting our father’s tura exploration. Visit secluded coves and beaches, turned out to be, some two dozen Tall Ships in two days. I shouldn’t have been surprised. Gurgling Fish Jugs, designed for Her Majesty The Olde Ship in Fullerton and Santa Ana is go swimming, snorkeling, and scuba diving as sailing into San Diego at the same time. What We are a nation of nautical people. Queen Elizabeth II, as a gift from RNC and the most traditional pub in Southern California well as kayaking. Island Packers Excursions a magnificent sight! We were amazed at how many Brits were Dartmouth Potteries. with over 20 beers on tap and 20+ single (805) 642-1393 The news media helicopters and a flotilla of there. Ron Choularton, if you don’t already No sooner had we arrived back when we malts, too! It’s the top social Pub in OC with 6-7: Escondido Fall Renaissance Festival small boats all welcoming us for the four-day know, is also one of the most respected thes- were off to attended a special concert party lively entertainment, excellent catering, and a Escondido, California DragonMarsh will be in holiday weekend. The welcome we received pians in SD so I made time to go and enjoy the in downtown LA, to hear a piece of music friendly staff! You’ll only be a stranger once! attendance was quite overwhelming from both the city and Equity production of The Norman Conquests commissioned by our former Consul General, (714) 871-7447 (714) 550-6700. its people. An estimated 250,000 visitors and by Sir Alan Ayckbourn, a series of three plays the Honorable Bob Peirce, to mark his wife 8-10: Age of Chivalry Las Vegas Renais- Contact Leo and Karen at PO Box 5691 Oxnard, CA everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. running in nightly rep! Now that’s a challenge. Sharon’s birthday. It was a duet for violin sance Festival at Sunset Park, Las Vegas 93031 or [emailprotected] As one person put it, San Diego is like Disney- The show we saw, Living Together, was and marimba by the composer Bright Sheng, land for adults!! we believe them. funny, witty, fast, and extremely well acted. a fiery number called Hot Pepper, which is of Ye Olde Kings Head in Santa Monica, Phil grounds in Ventura, along Hwy 101, beside Everyone pulled together to make the Great show! It runs through November 7 if highly appropriate for Sharon. A feisty young and Ruth Elwell at The Lookout Pub in the the Amtrak station and next to the beach. festival a total success, including a live can- you have a chance to see it. lady to say the least!! Channel Islands who were visiting mutual What better location for a fun-filled experi- non firing twice a day between participating We set sail at 1am Tuesday for the long The 120 guests gathered afterwards in the long time friends Linda (LA Times) and John ence of pipers, drums, dancers, 80+ clans vessels. I joined the California, the official sail home, but decided to break up the voyage Founders’ Room at Disney Hall, for drinks, Hiscock (Daily Telegraph). Phil and Ruth amassed, great entertainers, and some very California State Tall Ship, for one of the sails with an overnight stay at the Isthmus, on the desserts and a chocolate fountain, and were on the last leg of a two week vacation cute dimply knees. Nellie and John Lowry firing cannons at each other. Lots of noise backside of Catalina to do some snorkeling toasted the birthday girl. Among the many enjoying Monterey and Carmel. Good to see head this fabulous Scottish festival which and smoke!! I videoed and took still photos and walk over to Twin Harbors where we dignitaries present where Dame Barbara them again!! grows larger each year, and is by all mean, of the “cannon battle” attempting to sink, met Ashley Leonard, his girlfriend Heidi and Hay, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, LA City We attended a seven hour delay of a The premier Scottish Gathering on the Central Comptroller Wendy Greule, City Councilman viewing of the Last Night at the Proms Coast (818) 886-4968 Tom LaBonge, Nigel Lythgoe, and Peter which was held in Los Angeles where over This month’s birthdays: Guy Richie 42; dekingsh .yeol ead.c Asher. If the mayor and councilman aren’t a twenty nationalities participated by waving Hugh Grant 50; Dave Stewart 58; Roger www om little British by now they should be, or at least their flags, singing, and an evening of British Waters (Pink Floyd) 67; Steve Jones (Sex- honorary Brits. They are hugely supportive of revelry was enjoyed by all!! pistols) 55; Sean Connery 80; Prince Harry Restaurant Shoppe Brits and anything British. Join us at the Seaside Scottish Festival of Wales 26; Jon Bueland (Coldplay) 33; 116 Santa Monica Blvd, 132 Santa Monica Blvd, Met up with long time friends and founders October 8-10 at the Ventura County Fair- Amy Winehouse 27; Pamela Bennett 45. Santa Monica, CA 90401 Santa Monica CA 90401 (310) 451 1402 (310) 394 8765 Restaurant now Open Fri-Sat Perfect open at 9am 10am-10pm Mon-Fri. Gift Open for breakfast Sun-Thur weekends at 8am British Pub, Restaurant and Gift Shoppe 10am-8pm One Year Happy Hour Mon - Fri 4-7pm Gift of $2.50 pints (food specials) Shoppe Afternoon Tea Sat 2-5 Union Patio Dining Trivia Night Every Jack Wed. @ 8pm PL hheerrree Join us for our WWatchatch tthehe EEPL here een See CallCall forfor ScheduleSchedduullele HalloweenHallow y page OOpenpen fforor BBreakfastreakfast PartyPart aatt 99amam ddailyaily Great Prizes! ((8am8am wweekends)eekends) 3 October 2010 Page 9 tor suggests that the long-term unemployed spending by 11 percent bringing the deficit (known as the workshy) should set up and run down to zero in four years. Hard Times Are Coming crèches. In order to avoid putting perfectly re- Will the Coalition have the nerve to inflict THIS WILL be a momentous month in British to the Treasury. One when the NHS has to step in and remove spectable crèches out of business they would hardship on the electorate? David Cameron politics. On October 20 the Spending Review highly rated idea is to them “when the customer awakes to the be reserved solely for those on long term made a telling intervention in August when will be published and we shall finally discover make prisoners op- idiocy of the art”! benefits (the workshy again). The logic here the newspapers uncovered discussions on where the spending cuts will be made by erate exercise bikes, How about creating vast worm farms to falls to pieces but that is not really a problem. withdrawing free school milk for the under the coalition government. Never before in rowing machines recycle food waste? Then Britain can start to It may not save money but at least the workshy fives. He immediately stepped in to say there modern times have there been cuts on the and treadmills driving export the compost and earn its way into the will rue their idleness whether they are running was no way free milk would be withdrawn. scale intended – anything up to 40 percent electricity generators black again. Thirty-three votes indicate the the crèches or having to have their vast broods Mindful of Margaret Thatcher’s action 40 of public expenditure. either to power the idea has a four-star-plus rating. cared for by the idle and indigent. years ago in withdrawing all free school milk, The coalition is making much of the poli- prison or to feed into Wine consumption by the government One proposal singles out Manchester he didn’t want his government’s actions to cies adopted by the Canadian Government the National Grid. I arouses the anger of one writer – supported United and states quite simply that the be linked to hers in any way. in 1994 when they tackled their problem of should mention that by nineteen others. Some figures some- government should “force all Man U fans to DEMONISE rising public debt. What drove the Canadians all brainwaves are where reveal that the government has spent live within ten miles of Old Trafford”. Another Sadly – for a man who is so keen on then was the Mexican peso crisis. Today subject to rating by the general public on a £18,000 on wine. The writer’s advice is, slightly less risible suggestion is that we sell being loved – Cameron is going to find that it is the dire straits of the Greek economy five-star scale. “Learn to drink tapwater like the rest of us”. Cornwall. cutbacks on the scale he advocates will de- that convinced the Lib Dems of the need for No subject is too slight for the voters to A similar vein is tapped, excuse the pun, It is hard to see precisely what role, if monise him overnight in households across urgent action, contrary to their manifesto at consider. Dawn Davies has come up with with a number of suggestions about the Civil any, the many suggestions in the Spending Britain. After all, Thatcher only got rid of free the General Election. a little gem. “Now that the digital age is Service and their consumption of bottled wa- Challenge will play in the forthcoming Spend- school milk. To cement the idea that “we are all in this here,” she writes, “whats being done about ter. “Tax payers shouldn’t have to foot the bill ing Review. In reality, there are two ways of There are very real dangers in the strategy together”, part of the coalition’s strategy is all those old TV antennas on all the houses for bottles of water … in the civil service.” cutting back on expenditure: either take a he is pursuing. It might tip the country back to invite suggestions from the general public nationwide?” (I have to apologise for Dawn’s More serious though is the attitude bit from everything across the board, or cut into recession. It will certainly affect the on how to save money. Launched in July the spelling and grammar errors, the site is not towards large families. A common assump- selectively. The Canadians adopted the first poorest members of society who are most so-called “Spending Challenge” has received policed by any English teachers). Selling old tion is that parents have many children in approach. In the words of Marcel Masse, the dependent on public services. over 50,000 replies, all of which can be ac- TV aerials for scrap she reckons will get the order to live off the benefit system. We can official who ran the cuts programme, “There On the other hand, there could be hand- cessed on the HM Treasury website. country out of the red. Sounds good though apparently save money if we stop paying was blood on the floor everywhere but at some rewards. Both Canada and Sweden INSIGHT looking out of my window now I cannot see a family allowances when you have more than least everyone could see that the others were suffered in the 1990s but ultimately both The Challenge gives an insight into what single old aerial – not even on my own house. three children. Council houses should have hurting too”. countries reduced their deficits. The pain their enrages the man on the Clapham omnibus. When did they all go? no more than four bedrooms and bunk beds Sweden also faced a similar situation in citizens endured was harsh but limited. It sort of takes the nation’s pulse so perhaps TATOOS should be used to organise space better. the 1990s. The man who led the battle to We are all keeping our fingers crossed as it’s worth glancing at a few of the suggestions Another citizen believes that a tax on tat- This suggestion rated five stars on the basis reduce the deficit, by 11 percent, was Prime October 20 looms, particularly hoping that that appear there. toos and piercings could generate a few bob. of 67 voters. Minister Goran Persson. He said he was “the none of the ideas generated in the Spending The possibilities of exploiting 80,000 He (or she) calculates that £50 per session WORKSHY most hated politician in modern Swedish Challenge is enacted! prison inmates tempt contributors to write in would cover it and generate useful cash for To cater for extra children another contribu- political history” but he simply cut all public [emailprotected]
A Job Only A Monkey Can Do – At Games OBITUARY drum and cymbal at the same time. He was COMMONWEALTH Games organis- destructive,” one offi cial said. frequently arrested and fi ned, but gained a ers have raised eyebrows at the athletes’ Meanwhile, a team of 50 traditional Don Partridge, 69, English singer England. By his own account he left home local following and made a TV appearance village in New Delhi – by hiring apes to snake charmers has been hired after one and songwriter, known as the “king of at age 15 and became a burglar, before on the Eamonn Andrews Show. work as guards. athlete found a live cobra in his room. the buskers”. It was reported he died of working at some 45 different jobs. By the a heart attack. early 1960s, inspired by American singer In 1967, the songwriters, Don Paul (of Teams have been plagued by wild rhe- “This is being done for the safety of the Viscounts) and Richard Kerr (who later sus monkeys breaking into the buildings those in the village,” said senior Games Partridge performed from the early Jesse Fuller, he travelled around Europe 1960s as a busker and one-man band, and as a solo entertainer on street corners, ini- wrote Mandy, a hit for Barry Manilow) and stealing from athletes’ rooms. offi cial Lalit Bhanot. were taken with Partridge’s work, who had Now organisers have hired a team of Organisers revealed they have also hired achieved unexpected commercial success tially simply singing songs with a guitar. in the UK in the late 1960s with the songs However, he found that he gained more at- two young girls in mini-skirts as “bottlers” 40 large grey langur monkeys to chase off an emergency team of cowboys in anticipa- (that is, collecting the money). Paul invited their smaller cousins. tion of a demonstration by a farmers’ group Rosie and Blue Eyes. tention by performing as a one-man band, Partridge was born in Bournemouth, playing guitar, kazoo or harmonica, bass Partridge to record at the Regent Sound “They will scare the smaller monkeys which has threatened to drive hundreds of Studio in Denmark Street. “We did fi ve away because they are real pests and very cows and buffaloes into the city. takes of his song, Rosie, and every one sounded the same. I put him on tour with Gene Pitney and when someone shouted for Rosie, he replied, “Piss off!” It was un- Jolly Good heard of for someone to swear on a package tour and the promoter, Arthur Howes, was very annoyed. He’d have been another Rolf Harris if I could have tamed him.” Intending a farewell to his street musi- cian friends, he hired the Royal Albert Hall MEAT PRODUCTS in February 1969 and put on a “Buskers Happening” show before an audience of Bangers 3,700, featuring buskers (including Dave Brock, later of Hawkwind), who would all Pork Pies share the profi ts equally. Sausage Rolls Su nd ROYAL AIR FORCE $ ay l Clayto 1 R ya n’ 2. o BENEVOLENT FUND o s 9 as ASK FOR THEM BY NAME IN YOUR R 5 t Continuing support to those who have LOCAL BRITISH SHOP AND PUB served with the RAF and may be in need of assistance in the US. En “Our Name Says It All!” glish Pub Contact: Mike Gregory, RAFBF Liaison, 22 Summer Sky Circle, (323) 290-2265 1855 Industrial Street FAX: (323) 294-3943 Rancho Mirage, CA. 92270 Downtown, Los Angeles 213-622-0512 Tel: 760-324-5443 - Fax: 760-202-9396 Los Angeles, CA 90043 Email: [emailprotected] Page 10 October 2010 ~ This paper reaches the British community in all parts of Florida and, of course, the US ~
treats inside the pub, including hand drawn your team or find out more call Sarasota ales. Chat with the owners and ogle these Cricket Club President Laurence Parry glorious cars, socialise with your British (941) 232-9956. cronies and enjoy the British atmosphere. Sunday October 17, 2010. The show runs Q LOOKING FOR BRITISH CLUBS AND 11am to 3pm but stay after at the pub. To BRITISH EVENTS IN YOUR CORNER OF exhibit your own car, be a sponsor or vendor FLORIDA? I don’t have space on this page call Event Coordinator Hunter Cochran toll to list them all, so drop me an email with free 1-(800) 921-4295. For more informa- your name/city/contact phone. tion THIS SHOULD make your blood boil as life in Florida and should focus a few hours Q BEST OF BRITISH CORNER. I want to much as mine. It affects every reader of each year on the brave souls who “have 2) LARGO-based expat John Lawrenson honour the funniest man we ever produced Q ATTENTION FLORIDA’S BRITISH- this US-UK newspaper. Florida expats going fallen in the service of their country” as is an established insurance agent who rep- –Tommy Cooper – who made you roar OWNED BUSINESSES, SHOPS and back on holiday this summer commented the Legion puts it. Wear your Poppy with resents clients across Florida for homeown- before he’d even spoken. So will share one PUBS: If you wish to get bulk cop- to me they had never seen such high fares. pride. All expats are exhorted to attend this ers and other types of insurance. He is an of his classic gems each month: – Doctor, ies of the Union Jack, (50 papers a Here’s why, fellow victims: An investigative service. Sunday, November 14 at 3pm at independent statewide agent and owner of I can’t stop singing the Green Green Grass month minimum), to offer your custom- September 13, 2010 article in USA Today the Shepherd of the Coast Church, 1901 Florida Best Quote (www.floridabestquote. of Home. – That sounds like Tom Jones ers, phone our circulation department revealed that we here pay more to fly from East Commercial Blvd, Ft Lauderdale. Call com) “My advantage to your readers,” says syndrome – Oh, is it common? – It’s not 1-(800) 262-7305. The paper is free, the USA than vice versa simply because Neil Hennessy (954) 485-1142 for more John,” is that I represent my client NOT unusual. but a small delivery charge applies. US airlines deliberately overcharge us. information. insurance companies, with the purpose of Q CRICKET SARASOTA’S 17th Annual (Or go to: Over 800 Quotes from the article: “Roundtrip fares for Q TAMPA GUY FAWKES NIGHT pre- saving you money. I shop for the best price Six-A-Side Three-Day Cricket Festival and distributors nationwide. Americans flying to hotspots like London, sented by Tampa Bay MINI Motoring Club, and use all discounts available out there. Tournament takes place November 24-28, Paris and Amsterdam are up to 66 percent Sunshine MINIs, Tampabay British Expats Phone John (727) 584-9999 to discuss 2010. The biggest cricket event in Florida. The opinions in this column are Patri- more than the price for trips originating Meetup Group and others, they promise your insurance needs. Many teams participate and this is for cia Kawaja’s and not necessarily shared across the pond … between the same a good old fashioned Bonfire Night Party. Q JOB FOR TAMPA AREA Brits only. serious and social cricket-lovers. To enter by Union Jack Publishing. cities, for the same seats, same days of Friday November 5 from 6pm at Camp Nielsen, the well-known TV ratings media the week … this disparity in airfares has Keystone in Odessa. Great prizes from local company asked me to find …YOU? Nielsen been visible throughout the year and simply British businesses, yummy bonfire food and seeks UK-born writers and editors to view Attention Florida's British businesses, reflects what US airlines believe passengers kiddie fun. $10 for adults, children under 12 TV programs on Channel 4, Five, Sky1 and are willing to pay on each side of the pond free. Contact British organizer John on (727) ITV London and write or edit questions to entrepreneurs and professionals … simply what the market will bear … 644-6094 or (Foot- measure overall viewer engagement. You low Virgin Atlantic fares in summer 2010 note: I contacted Orlando BACC to confirm must have strong communications skills, be were only available if you were travelling their famous annual Guy Fawkes Night but highly literate and knowledge of UK sports from Britain.… American airlines bank on the President told me they weren’t meeting especially soccer is desirable. There are
the fact that they’ll get more money this till after my deadline to decide whether it 22 paid positions of various shifts and you Established 1997 side of the pond, so they subsidise what was still on. Phone their office to ask (407) must work on-site at their Tampa office. Want to attract more customers? they can’t get from the European side … 226-7251. Apply by November 10. For full details and if airlines think people are earning more in Q FT MYERS. Seeking an unbeatable application procedure, email me your name, Of course, you bloody do. Here's how. the US and are willing to pay more, they’ll once-in-a lifetime bargain on a waterfront city, cellphone to britishflorida --You advertise in this British newspaper to benefit from your Brit-to-Brit marketing edge. charge more.” Willing? No we’re not willing condo –maybe for your UK relatives? Then On subject line: Nielsen job Tampa to be gouged at this end. We have no damn don’t miss the November 20 auction – see Q GOING TO LONDON or other UK City, --You join the Florida Association of British Business [FABB], chosen as the USA's choice it seems. Hope you’re fuming at this Fisher Auctions ad this issue. on vacation or business? Prefer not to stay Best British Business Association 2010. Details: [emailprotected] dirty little secret. Q BRITISH BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT— with relatives there or in a hotel? Maybe us- Q TAMPA BAY BRITISH JAMBOREE PLEASE PATRONISE FLORIDA’S BRITISH ing a hotel is too expensive or restrictive or Come to the BRITISH NETWORK...A roomful of Brits is never dull. and car show presented by the Austin BUSINESSES. few hotel choices are offered in the city you Healey Club. Saturday October 23, 2010. Make British contacts, business or social – useful, 1) NAPLES to Miami. British-owned Ad- visit. The solution I found: The Apartment enjoyable networking with British professionals. era Shredding will shred all your unwanted Service. Flats of any size and price range Q Hosted by the British Bureau at The News Lounge, 5580 FT LAUDERDALE: LEST WE FORGET. company documents and files – before in all parts of the UK. You can cook and NE 4th Court, Miami FL 33137, one mile north of Miami. I urge you to attend the Royal British Legion the FBI gets to you, tee hee. The most entertain – can’t do that in a hotel. Space Free to attend – buy own drinks/food. Tuesdays October 12, Remembrance Service this year. The Legion useful service they offer is that though its limited here so email me for details. November 9 and December 14 from 6.30 to 9.30pm. assists and acts for all British ex-service headquarters is in Naples, Adera will send Q DELRAY BEACH The second annual personnel around the world. The Florida its trucks to your workplace or organization Blue Anchor Pub British Car Show. On THE BRITISH BUREAU of FLORIDA British-American PR/Marketing since 1991. branch formed in 1994 and organises the in any part of South Florida. Phone British Delray’s famous Atlantic Avenue they Reaching the British market for our clients annual Poppy Day Appeal and Service owner Derek Rees on 1-(800) 995-6036 promise an exhibition of British culture and [305] 371-9340 office in Miami. Clients in all parts of Florida and the UK. every November. We live this glorious free to discuss your needs. Company info on excellence in automotive craftsmanship with October 2010 Page 11 Binmen Angry With Residents Sweeping Leaves Book Halts Traffic Bentley Drivers – Replace Your Hood Ornament BINMEN in Blakenall, West Midlands, policy, who does not want to be named, ANDREW MARR’S latest book is, liter- LUXURY carmaker Bentley is recalling does not retract, it could increase the risk were annoyed at homeowners last month complained to Walsall Councillor Pete ally, stopping traffi c. 820 cars worldwide over fears that its fa- of injury to a pedestrian in the event of a for sweeping up autumn leaves outside Smith, who agreed it was “crazy”. Boxes containing 15 tons worth of the mous “Winged B” hood ornament could crash, the US Department of Transporta- their homes. “It’s still good to know some residents still journalist’s history volume The Making of injure people in an accident because it tion’s National Highway Traffi c Safety People in neighbourhoods had been take the trouble to keep the public footpath Modern Britain have been strewn across a might not properly retract. Administration said on its website. dutifully sweeping up fallen leaves and outside their own home clean. They should busy English road after an accident. Bentley Motors’ European head of- “The recall is rather theoretical,” said putting them into their garden recycling be encouraged, not discouraged,” he said. Thames Valley Police said last month fi ce in Berlin said last month the recall company spokesman Richard Durbin in bins. But binmen have warned them that Council guidelines state that only grass that a truck carrying books overturned. affects 620 cars in the United States and a telephone interview from Crewe, Eng- depositing leaves from the street in the cuttings, tree and shrub prunings, old The driver suffered cuts to his arms, and Canada and 200 in Europe who added land, where Bentley cars are produced. brown containers is against council rules, plants and fl owers, hedge clippings, weeds the road was closed throughout the night the raised hood ornament as an option “If it were struck by something, we want reported the Daily Mail. and leaves from residents’ own gardens as the books were cleared away. on Arnage, Brooklands and Azure it to retract as quickly as possible and in The rules state that leaves from the can be put into brown bins. The Making of Modern Britain is de- models made between October 2006 and some instances it’s not doing it.” highway should not be put into brown But council leader Mike Bird has called scribed by its publisher as “a fascinating March 2009. He added the hood ornament itself for a common sense approach. portrait of life in Britain during the fi rst The company says no injuries have is unaffected by corrosion because it is bins because of the risk of “contamina- half of the 20th century.” tion”. Persistent offenders who break He said: “We are trying to encourage been reported but a Bentley dealer no- stainless steel. Marr, a BBC reporter and presenter, Bentley, owned by Germany’s Volk- waste collection rules, including placing more pride in the community and this is apologized to anyone who had been incon- ticed the spring mechanism under the the ‘wrong’ materials in bins, could face the perfect example of a lady doing that ornament has a tendency to corrode and swagen AG, will replace the mechanism venienced, and said he hoped the book was free and says the work takes about an a fi ne of up to £1,000. and she should be praised.” not “being taken off to be pulped.” might not always function properly. One elderly woman who fell foul of the The fear is that if the hood ornament hour to complete. FLORIDA FLORIDA British Supermarket THE ONE STOP SHOP FOR ALL BRITISH GOODS! 5695 Vineland Road - Orlando FL 32819 407-370-2023 British owned & operated; all your favourites!
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5511 University Drive, Suite 102 Coral Springs, FL 33067 Tel: 954-509-1022 Fax: 954-337-0738 Page 12 October 2010 Honoring Glenda Bailey & Tony Walton. Hearst Tower, 300 West 57th St at 8th Ave, 44th Floor, slowly, however for this one is its best The White Tiger – NYC. Dinner will begin at 8:30pm. For more made on the hob (range) don’t cook it too information: [emailprotected] fast and furious though after the cheese is By Aravind Adiga or (212) 662 6110. added, or it can curdle, still tastes good but doesn’t look great. THE PULSE of India, a complicated country American Friends of the Georgian Group Use a very good quality sharp ched- divided by money, corruption and poverty 5: English Paintings at the Metropolitan – ex- with over a bil- NORTHEAST OHIO clusive guided tour. Metropolitan Museum of Art, dar, and I find the Idaho type potato best to use, so it holds together better. Hope lion people liv- By Joe Nicholls. Joe and Kevin McGinty can Fifth Ave at 81st St, 3pm. Meet at the tour desk ing off its land, be heard on “Sounds of Britain and Ireland” at the southwest corner of the main lobby. $45 you enjoy my version, super with a nice crusty bread is felt through Sundays 4-5pm on Cleveland’s WCPN 90.3FM per person. RSVP: office@americangeorgians. the heart of a and org or (212) 991-9191. IT’S BEEN a while since I featured a soup, Cheesy Vegetable Chowder man named October 27: Antiques Lovers’ Dream - private tour which is one of my favourite things I love 10 slices chopped bacon Balram Halwai. 1, 15: British-American Club, Fish & chips and refreshments. International Fine Art & any time and I enjoy experimenting with Born in the dark- dinners, 8564 Ravenna Rd, (off Rte 82) Antiques Dealers Show, The Park Ave Armory, 3 cups milk them. In Britain it is often used as a starter, 1 cup chopped onion ness, in an area Twinsburg, 6:30-8:30pm (330) 963-6370. Park Ave and 67th St, 2pm. $45 per person. but rarely in the States. On my visits there no tourist puts 1, 8, 15, 22, 29: West Side Irish American RSVP: [emailprotected] or (212) 1 - 17 oz can whole corn I usually come back with several recipes 1 cup finely diced carrot on his “to do list” when planning a vacation Club, Irish-style dinners, 8559 Jennings 991-9191. garnered from friends and pubs. to India, Balram’s fortune is presumably Rd Olmsted Township, 6-9pm (216) 251- American-Scottish Foundation 3 cups grated cheddar cheese My recipe this month is really an amal- 1 cup water predestined by his caste and profession as 4075. 20: A Reception & Readings from ‘The Inti- gamation of several versions. Potato and a sweets maker. Maybe this was the case 5, 19: SHANO, Scottish Heritage Meet- mate Life of Alexander Hamilton’ – Readings by 3 Tbsp flour leek soup is definitely of Gaelic origin, I 2 ½ cups diced potatoes during his grandfather’s years but intimidation ings, Community Presbyterian Church, 5132 Stephen Heiden. $65 per person. RSVP: asfe- have featured my dear Irish friend Mary’s and profiteering by greedy landlords took it Mayfield Rd, Lyndhurst, 7:30pm (330) [emailprotected] or (212) 605-0338. Pepper to taste a couple of times, and make it often, it was 2 chicken bouillon cubes all away and his family was left with no other 463-5559. 21-24: Annual Scottish North American Lead- always popular in the tea room. It comes choice but to break their backs earning a 8, 22: British-American Club, Pub Nights, ership Conference – “American 2.0: Our Faces under the classification of a hearty soup, Cook the bacon in a large heavy pot until hard living. 8564 Ravenna Rd, Twinsburg, 8pm, (330) Are Changing But Our Values Remain.” Chicago. and actually is what is also referred to as crisp, remove bacon and set aside. Sauté Not wanting to end up like his father, a 963-6370. Tickets for the conference and the banquet are chowder in the States. Usually though that the onion in the drippings, add cooked rickshaw driver barely skin and bones who 10: Scottish American Society, Meeting, $100 per person. Tickets are also available the means it uses fish, usually clams, which bacon, carrot, water, potatoes and bouillon died from TB, Balram persuades his matri- Akron Public Library, Akron, 3pm, (330) conference for $50. RSVP: asfevents@wwbcny. unfortunately I am allergic to, and regions cubes and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, archal grandmother to send him money for 882-0342. com or (212) 605-0338. define how it is made. New England is cover and simmer 20-25 minutes or until driving lessons. This small step will lead to 13: Calon Lan Welsh Club, Lunch Meet- 31: Marine Corps Marathon: Carry a Comrade based on milk, whereas Manhattan chow- the potatoes and carrots are tender. Stir in his eventual freedom but not before he learns ing, Denny’s Restaurant, Rte 224 Boardman, with the Allied Forces Foundation in association der uses tomatoes and bell peppers. Since milk and corn, heat thoroughly many of life’s lessons along the way. Aravind 1pm, (330) 758-4202. with The American-Scottish Foundation, Inc. I couldn’t eat the clam chowder, my recipe Combine the cheese and flour, tossing Adiga won the 2008 Man Booker prize for 16: Cleveland 87th Pipe Band, Annual Ball, October 31. Support the fit and wounded veterans is based on what I used to make when we until the cheese is well coated. Add to this alarmingly honest account of one man’s Strongsville Rec Center, Strongsville, 8pm. competing together as teams in the 35th Marine were in Wisconsin, and able to find good the soup, and stir continuously over low- entrepreneurial victory over his country’s 23: Cleveland Manx Society, Luncheon, Corps Marathon. RSVP: asfevents@wwbcny. Cheddar cheese to use; of course cheddar medium heat until the cheese is melted. resistant traditions. This is a unique rags-to- Macaroni Grill, North Olmsted, Call for com or (212) 605-0338. cheese is now the most widely used cheese Season to taste with the pepper. riches tale and the burning question is, how directions,1pm, (216) 481-2476. November in the world, and has it’s origins from the Yield 6-8 servings did a poor boy end up owning a chandelier? 28 Daughters of the BE, Westminster 11: St George’s Society of New York and British West country in England. (I welcome comments and requests, What was sacrificed along the way to make Chapter, meeting, Lyndhurst, 7:30pm, (440) Army Benevolent Fund America (BABFA) are host- I usually advocate the use of a crock and can be reached at Yourcuppatea1@ the impossible possible? Although this story 461-2533. ing A Remembrance Day luncheon at One Hanover pot for soups so they can cook long and is fictitious, we know at once that this is an 29: British American C of C, Link Club, Square, New York City, to celebrate Remembrance accurate account of the inner mechanics of Luncheon, Mavis Winkle’s Restaurant, Day, following the Remembrance Day observance a country where so many are deprived of Rockside Rd at I-77, Independence,11:30am, in the British Garden at Hanover Square. Reception Monument For Brit Sailors Killed In 1814 Battle running water, education, and sanitary living (216) 621-0222. 11:30am, lunch at noon. Speakers will include A NEW monument was unveiled on a Lake conditions, where elections are a foregone British Consul-General in New York Sir Alan Col- Champlain island where dozens of British conclusion and futures are determined NEW YORK lins and Brigadier TJ Lai, Military Attaché, British sailors were buried after a major War of by a family’s past. There seems to be no October Embassy in Washington. Call (212) 682-6110 or 1812 battle. escape and when there is, the price to pay St George’s Society of New York email [emailprotected] The granite memorial to 47 sailors killed is unfathomable. 25: A Staged Reading of Evening Primrose By NY Clubs and non-profit organisations during the Battle of Plattsburgh is located For Balram, enlightenment does not come James Goldman and Stephen Sondheim. Gerald can send their calendar entries to UJ’s Anna on Crab Island, where they were buried in with deep thinking, herbal teas, candlelight Lynch Theater, John Jay College, 899 Tenth Ave Titley in New York at: AnnaTitley@stgeorges- vigils in the nude, or private viewings with th makeshift graves. at 58 St, NYC. Registration and wine reception, and/or, access the UJ interactive The Press-Republican of Plattsburgh the Dalai Lama – preferably not in the nude. at 6:15pm. For more information: anna.titley@ calendar for online listing only, and input reported last month that the monument was His journey from the darkness into the light or (212) 662 6110. your own events, at: purchased by Roy and Joanne Carter of Eng- American battle casualties who were also is realized when he no longer belongs to 25: First Anglo American Cultural Awards calendar-page land, whose ancestor was a British offi cer buried on the small island off the lake’s anyone other than himself. Knowing that killed in a skirmish a few days before the western shore. one physically belongs to someone else, main battle, fought on September 11, 1814. During the battle, American infantry that one’s destiny is enmeshed in a timeworn Recluse Found To Be War The new monument is located near and sailors defeated a larger British force indestructible net, must surely be one of a similar marker that recognizes the 50 invading from Canada. the most suffocating states of being from which to be liberated. Freedom is Balram’s Heroine After Her Death tions Executive, set up by wartime leader Last month, she was facing a pauper’s enlightenment. HER SECRET is out. But it is too late 1944, and sent her to the Ravensbruck Winston Churchill to infi ltrate mainland funeral, until offi cials found the medals. India, for many of us who have never for Eileen Nearne to bask in the glory concentration camp. She later escaped after Europe and provide support for resistance Plans were then made for a funeral that experienced it first-hand, seems colorful, Britain loves to bestow on its World War being sent to a smaller nearby camp. forces. “It was vital and dangerous work, will, offi cials say, give Nearne the recogni- spicy and harmonious, but we have also II heroes. The accounts of her extraordinary deeds especially for wireless operators.” tion her heroism merits. all seen pictures of its extreme poverty. The She died alone, uncelebrated, on Sep- – her grace under fi re – were made public Even when Nearne was caught, accord- “We will make sure she gets the dignity Blockbuster Slum Dog Millionaire brought tember 2 of a heart attack at age 89. Only by military historians and special forces ing to Escott and others, she was able to and respect and homage that befi ts a lady India’s un-Bollywood reality to the world, last month did the nation learn of her veterans who had read her secret fi les and endure water torture without cracking and of her experience,” John Pentreath, county even to the red carpet. The White Tiger takes bravery behind enemy lines: She went on knew what Nearne had accomplished but providing the Gestapo with information manager for veterans’ charity the Royal you deeper into this shadowy complicated a clandestine mission to France in 1944 declined to discuss. Her wartime role was about the top secret network. British Legion, said. milieu. It allows you to understand the tock at the tender age of 23 to operate a wire- not publicly acknowledged until local that makes India’s clock tick, and I found it less transmitter that served as a vital link offi cials went into her apartment after her all fascinating. Anyone want to buy me a between the French resistance and war death and found a treasure trove of medals, ticket to Delhi? planners in London. records and memorabilia, including French (Five is the top Nearne posed as a French shop girl. currency used during the war. Teacup score) She meanwhile helped coordinate supply “She was an excellent agent, very UJ READERS: Let Tanya know how many lines and weapons drops in advance of the imaginative, but very unobtrusive, and that teacups out of five you give some of the D-Day invasion that marked the beginning is a very important quality,” said Royal books she recommends in this column – of the liberation of Europe, then stayed on Air Force veteran Beryl Escott, author of if we publish/or post on our website your the job until the Nazis caught her in July an upcoming book on the Special Opera- 50-word (or less) comment, you will also get a FREE ‘GB sticker for your car’, how’s that? Email: [emailprotected] The Perfect Christmas Box - A Union Jack Subscription See Page 3
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[emailprotected] October 2010 Page 13 car with the driver having instant control compartments. Seating, nothing less than of the machine without the cumbersome all-Connolly leather with the option to have lag-time associated with assisted control the driver’s seat custom fitted for optimal fit Segway Owner Dies After components. Power-wise, this car had all it and comfort. In addition, bespoke proprietary needed, with a 60 degree V12 engine sourced luggage bags that were specially designed Falling Off River Cliff from BMW, albeit proprietary tuned by the to fit the vehicles carpeted storage compart- JIMI HESELDEN, the wealthy British Hesco Bastion confi rmed that Heselden manufacturer, which included two Lucas fuel ments, also a tailored golf bag completed the businessman who owns the company that “died in a tragic accident near his home in injectors per cylinder with the first located standard equipment. makes the two-wheeled Segway was been West Yorkshire.” close to the inlet valve operating at low engine The sound system was specially commis- found dead in a river in northern England The battery-powered Segway, which is revs, and the other located higher up the inlet sioned to the individual owners music taste after apparently falling off a cliff on one stabilized by gyroscopes, was invented by tract for operating at higher revs. The dynamic was made by Kenwood which was a multi of the vehicles. Dean Kamen, who founded the company in Can You Name This Car? transition between the two was controlled by CD Disc changer but without any radio and The body of 62-year-old Heselden and a 1999. Kamen was traveling and could not LIKE SIR ARTHUR Conan Doyle’s, Sherlock the engine computer. In addition each of the no option for one either. Why? Because the Segway personal transporter were found in be immediately reached for comment. Holmes, I sometimes can’t resist a touch 12 cylinders had their own miniature ignition car’s designer never listened to the radio so the River Wharfe and he was pronounced The lack of information about the of the dramatic when writing my columns coil, the intake control featured 12 individual he thought his customers shouldn’t either. dead at the scene, West Yorkshire Police circumstances surrounding Heselden’s on Great British cars by trying to prelude valves and the exhaust had four catalysts with The car is certainly stylish and lavish but not said. death prompted new questions about the aspects of the car I am writing about before individual controls, plus the camshafts were opulent and yet a significant part of the car A witness had reported seeing a man Segway’s safety record – concerns that I reveal the name. The surprise however has continuously variable. was covered in pure gold, standard on all of fall over a 30-foot drop into the river near have been raised before. always been tempered by a picture of the car POWER them. A modem was included however but the village of Boston Spa. The company recalled all its U.S. which I suppose most readers look at before The result was power, and power to not for fax transmissions, but used to relay “The incident is not believed to be sus- vehicles in 2006 because of a software reading the article. This month, however, I am spare, and in return, an average of one information from the engine computer to a picious,” police said, indicating that they problem that could cause its wheels to not including a picture of the vehicle as this gallon of petrol per 15.2 miles was used to mechanic to aid in the event of a mechanical do not believe anyone else was involved. reverse direction, causing riders to fall off. particular car deserves more than just one propel this magnificent driving machine. The failure. This car didn’t have air bags fitted Heselden, who bought control of the The vehicle has also not been approved in column, and so will be continued in part two gearbox was proprietary by the manufacturer either, it didn’t need them. Bedford, New Hampshire-based Segway Britain for road use, despite protests from next month. Nor will the name of the car be and was evaluated in a test vehicle prior to ‘BRUTE’ company in December, made his fortune Segway loyalists. revealed this month, although I suspect many the availability of the BMW engine, using a As previously noted this is not a race car through his fi rm Hesco Bastion Ltd, which Segways have been banned by some of you will guess the name of this fabulous 7.4 litre V8 Chevrolet engine to mimic the but a performance-orientated ‘brute’, if ever developed a successful blast wall system U.S. cities but have also been embraced by motor car from the following facts. torque of the V12 BMW unit; it is a six-speed there was one. Although, this vehicle did that replaced the sand bags once used to other U.S. police departments as a useful It is its 20th birthday this year or to be manual with a carbon triple plate clutch, the distinguish itself on the track a few times, and protect troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. tool in community patrols. more precise it has been the same number aluminium flywheel, also proprietary, was in no uncertain terms either, despite not being of years since its conception. The actual birth minimised with only the dimensions and designed for such. The car’s place of birth or debut of this motor car was 18 years ago mass necessary to allow torque from the was a few miles southwest of London from a Oxford Union Makes Deal With Sex Shop on May 28, which also happens also to be engine to be transmitted so as to maximize company which has a great deal of knowledge A DISCOUNT deal at a local sex shop for Alistair Walker, a Union spokesman, my birthday (except I’m not 18); unfortunately responsiveness, allow faster gear changes, and expertise making motor cars. At the time members of the Oxford Union debating defended the scheme. He said it was a no one surprised me by presenting me with and throttle feedback for the driver. the car was their least expensive model. society has brought criticism of the revered “long-standing member’s discount” deal one to celebrate the special day. The suspension, again proprietary, was It’s a rare bird however, as there wasn’t organisation. with the sex shop. He said there were plans CONSIDERATION performance orientated but designed for too many made, and in case you haven’t Members can receive sex goods up to to expand the scheme. This car is British of course, but put together comfort, as the car is not, nor was it ever, guessed yet what car this is, the ‘rare bird’ is 10 percent cheaper at Adult World if they “This is just one of the 63 current with some components from Germany and intended to be a race car but a practical-use a clue, for it was a bird that was the original “fl ash” their membership card, reported discounts the Union’s current and former Japan, plus a few other countries. Careful sports car. It is a double wishbone system emblem of the company. They don’t use the Daily Telegraph. committee members have negotiated to en- consideration was taken in the choice of all with an unusual design which allows the it anymore, nor did they use it on this car, Offi cials said the scheme was one of sure best value for its members,” he said. of these parts as desired by the manufacturer wheel to travel backwards when it hits a bump preferring to use an emblem unique to this several designed to ensure “best value” was to produce the best motor car the world to increase the comfort of the ride. one model. for members – but critics claimed it was Two For The Price Of One has ever witnessed – In this they succeeded, INTERIOR Recap: Again . . . it’s a sports car, very fast “offensive” and “undermined” women’s All ads listed in the for the result will probably never ever be sur- As for the interior and equipment of this and very capable, not a two seat variety, it rights. Union Jack ClassAds passed, it was, and still is the pinnacle of auto- unique sports car, the designers didn’t skimp has more passenger-room than that, and the The Union, founded in 1823, is one of also appear on motive technology. Yet, with all the technology here – it features full air-conditioning, sourced cabin layout is so unique and so functional the university’s most high-profi le societ- associated with this masterpiece the object by Honda, and is the same unit as was used I’m surprised that no one ever thought of the ies and has produced 12 British prime with a hot link — why not was not to make this car over-complex so as in the Honda NSK. The reasoning for this was arrangement before, nor used it since for ministers. make your ad a hit? to maintain reliability. With this in mind, no that the designer owned one of these cars that matter. So there you have it, or half of it Listed on the Union’s website under See page 14 Turbo or Supercharging, to maximize power, for seven years and had never once had the at least – any ideas? No prizes for guessing the title “Treasurer’s Treats”, members was included, and even the brakes were not need to replace the AC automatic setting dur- though, I’ve furnished too much information are told they just “fl ash” their membership power-assisted and this at a time when all ing that time. The expert thought that it was already I think. card to receive the discount. motor cars utilised power-assisted brakes. perfect, so it won his vote. Electronic de-frost Tune in next month for part two, the But one critic complained: “It’s incon- Not even ABS (antilock braking system) was and de-misting for both the windscreen and continuation article about this engineering gruous with the image of the Union, its incorporated into this mystery vehicle. the electronically-operated side windows marvel. prestigious history and the list of great and This auto was built as a driver’s motor was standard, as were courtesy lights in all Happy Motoring good who have spoken there. Scottish Treasures Celtic Corner
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One Year v`ÊʱÊÊV >ÊʱÊÊ}vÌà of
Union !MERICAS PREMIER WHOLESALER OF IMPORTED Jack FOODS FROM THE 5NITED +INGDOM 3OUTH !FRICA AND !USTRALIA See page RING q FAX WWWPICCADILLYIMPORTSUSACOM >ÊÃÕLÃ`>ÀÞÊvÊÌiÀ>Ì>Ê`]Ê 5NDER .EW 3 /WNERSHIP Page 14 October 2010 back in 2005, but after chal- Frankie Gavin went 8-0 with a win over John Toshack standing down after six years Prentice and Samantha Murray….Euan lenger, Alexander Povetkin of Michael Kelly (8-2). as coach. Youth coach Brian Flynn took over Burton took a bronze medal at the World Judo Russia, lost his enthusiasm for a LAURA DAVIES WINS TWICE as caretaker. Nigel Worthington saw his Championships in Japan. The 31-year-old Klitscho encounter, the Ukrainian Laura Davies proved that even though she Northern Ireland side earn their first win in Scotsman, took bronze in the 2007 Worlds in decided on a rematch with Peter is in her mid-forties, her golf game remains as eleven games, against hosts Slovenia, when Rio, and at the European Championships this rather than stay idle. potent as ever. Last month she claimed two Corry Evans came on as substitute in the 67th year.…British canoeists David Florence and CRISIS FOR THE victories, bringing her career total to 76 in- minute and scored the only goal of the game Richard Hounslow grabbed a bronze medal “HITMAN” dividual international titles, that includes four with his first kick of the match. in the C2 event at the World Canoe Slalom Ricky “the Manchester Hit- majors. She won the Austrian Women’s Open France’s World Cup misery continued in Championships in Slovenia.…British cyclist man” Hatton (45-2) admitted in Wiener Neustadt, September 5, with an 11 Paris, where Belarus came away with a 1-0 Mark Cavendish, won three stages in the Compiled by Larry Gardner last month that his career in the ring is over under 205, and the Spanish Women’s Open, victory. Portugal too, struggled at home with Tour of Spain, and ultimately won the sprint and he will be concentrating his energies September 19, with an 11 under 202. Nerves a 4-4 tie against Cyprus. title and points jersey. It’s the first time a Brit Continued from page 16 on promoting a stable of talented young are starting to become evident however. Goal-feast of the round includes Germany has won a sprint title in a Grand Tour event in boxers. Hatton remained undefeated until “I was shaking,” she said after her Austrian beating Azerbaijan 6-1,Sweden slamming 21 years. Swiss rider Michael Albasini won August, the Scot looked on course for more his encounter with Floyd Mayweather in victory. “It’s your legs, your legs go.” San Marino 6-0 and Italy beating the Faroe the Tour of Britain.…The US became World success. His mobility seemed impaired as the December of 2007. He returned to the ring It’s been six years since David Lynn Islands 5-0. Basketball Champions for the first time since game went on, but he denied any injury. “I for victories over Juan Lazcano and Paulie won his last tournament, and for some poor At Buenos Aires in a friendly, Argentina 1994, when the beat Turkey 81-64 in the FIBA tried to find a way to get back,” said the Brit- Malignaggi, before Manny Pacquiano drew finishing at the Austrian Open, he could have beat World Champions Spain 4-1. sanctioned tournament. ish number four seed, who remained unsure a KO win in the second round to put a serious broken the drought. The golfer from Stoke, The hosts were three up by the 34th At the Women’s World Field Hockey as to why he had been beaten. question mark against Hatton’s continued ended up in a play-off with Jose Manuel minute with goals from Lional Messi, Championships in Argentina, England took British number one Elena Baltacha beat boxing career. Later in the month, a tabloid Lara, after both carded a 17 under 271. The Gonzalo Higuain, and Carlos Tevez. Only the bronze medal after beating Germany Petra Marlic of Croatia in the first round, but allegation of cocaine abuse and concerns Spaniard won it on the first hole. half of Spain’s World Cup winning side was 2-0. Hosts Argentina, who’d earlier beat fell to Petra Kvilova of the Czech Republic about depression saw Hatton voluntarily enter EURO 2012 on display. It was only Spain’s third defeat England in the semifinals, took the gold with in the second. a rehab programme. Police had also spoken The qualifying group games of the 2012 in 88 matches. a 3-1 win over the Netherlands.…Two-time Her recent performances have pushed her with the former fighter over the exposition. European Championships began last month, GUNNERS SLAM SIX, CHELSEA Olympic 10,000m champion and world up the world ranking and later in the month THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN! September 3 and 7. Fabio Capello justified HIT FOUR marathon record holder Haile Gebrselassie she broke the top fifty for the first time, ranked Britain top pugilists gathered for the the FA’s decision to keep him on as coach The Champions League group games easily won the Great North Run at Gateshead, as 49th in the world. Magnificent Seven Tournament at the LG after a disappointing World Cup, with a ram- commenced September 14-15, with Sir Alex September 19. Former Brit number one Anne Keothavong, Arena in Birmingham, September 18. Euro- bunctious 4-0 win over Bulgaria at Wembley. Ferguson baffling fans for his team selection SCOTTISH SOCCER has been harassed by injuries in the past two pean light-heavyweight champion Nathan Jermain Defoe found the net in the third at Old Trafford, where Scottish champions Rangers and Celtic literally accelerated years, and after a first round loss to Yung Cleverly, stretched his unbeaten record to minute, and went on to score a hat-trick. Rangers were the visitors. A 74,000-plus away from the rest of the clubs in the Scot- Jan-Chon of Taiwan, she is said to be taking 20-0 after taming the formerly unbeaten Karo Adam Johnson got the other one. crowd gathered for a suspected classic, but tish Premier League, where the “Old Firm,” a serious look at her career. Murat (22-1) of Germany in the 10th round Wayne Rooney’s private life did not inter- it was not to be. Walter Smith’s men packed remained unbeaten after winning their first six Kim Klisters took the women’s crown of a very physical contest. Battling Brummie, fere with his footballing skills at Basle, where the defence and even with Wayne Rooney games and both clubs led the table with 18 beating Vera Zvonareva in just 59 minutes, Matthew Macklin (27-2) took the vacant his tenth minute netting put England in front recalled, the Reds could not penetrate as the points mid-September. They also powered for the shortest women’s singles final since European middleweight crown after stopping and on line for a 3-1 victory. Switzerland Scots held out for goalless draw. Tottenham themselves in to the quarter-finals of the they started timing matches back in 1980. Shalva Jomardashvili (27-3) of Georgia in had Stephan Lichtsteiner sent off in the were two up after 18 minutes in Germany Scottish League Cup. A hat-trick by Geor- Weather caused the men’s final to run over the sixth. Matthew Hall (23-3) failed to take 65th minute and Adam Johnson made it two, against Werder Bremen, with an own goal gios Samaras aided the Hoops to a 6-0 win to the Monday, where Raphael Nadal earned the European light-middleweight title off Lu- four minutes later. Shaquiri got one back for by Petri Pasanen (12th minute) and a Peter over Inverness Caley Thistle at Parkhead, his first US Open victory with a four set victory kas Konecny (45-3) of the Czech Republic, the Swiss, while Darren Bent scored two Crouch goal six minutes later. Almeida hit while Rangers crunched Dumfermline 7-2 over Novak Djokovic. whose fists proved lethal in the sixth and minutes from the whistle. one for Bremen just before the break and at the Ibrox, courtesy of a treble from Lyle BOXING the ref halted the fight. Enzo Maccarinelli Scottish coach Craig Levein put on a Marin got one just after, resulting in a 2-2 Lafferty. At Glasgow’s Kelvin Hall, September 4, (22-5) lost his European cruiserweight title brave face after Scotland’s goalless draw tie. At the Emirates Stadium, Arsenal put on In the League Cup, Celtic travel to St Ricky Burns won a unanimous decision to to unbeaten Alexander Frenkel (27-0) of against Lithuania in Kaunas. Levein blamed goal-feast for fans, thrashing Portugese side Johnstone and Ranger visit Kilmarnock, with take the unbeaten Roman “Rocky” Marti- the Ukraine, who caught the Welshman with a stop and go encounter on the referee. At Braga 6-0. Marksmen were Cesc Fabregas games scheduled October 25-26. nez’s WBO super-featherweight crown. The a tremendous hook in the seventh. As he Hampden Park, a stunned crowd of 37,000 (2) Andrey Arshavin, Maroone Chamath, LATE SPORT Puerto Rican (26-1) had the Scot (31-2) on rose from the canvas, Frenkel caught him plus, witnessed Mario Frick put Liechtenstein plus two for Carlos Vela. In Slovakia, Chelsea Yorkshire golfer John Parry claim his the deck in the first round, but Burns did with a vicious combination. Unbeaten British ahead a minute after the break. Liechtenstein over-powered MGK Zilina 4-1. Michael Essien first European tour victory in the inaugural not panic and got right back in to the fight. heavyweight champion Derek Chisora (14- has a FIFA ranking of 141st in the world and started the route, Nicolas Anelka got two, and Viviendi Cup in Paris, September 26. He Martinez came out in the final round with both 0) added the Commonwealth heavyweight the Tartan Army were expecting a goal- Daniel Sturridge got the fourth. Second group led from the end of the second round and fists on fire, but the home crowd roared their crown to his resume, after an all action bout feast. games are September 28-29. finished with a 17 under 255. Padraig Har- approval for the hometown favourite. with Sam Sexton. After nine rounds, and with Kenny Miller hit an equalizer in the 63rd The Europa League group games started rington warmed up for the Ryder Cup with Wladimir Klitscho (55-2) retained his Sexton (13-2) looking extremely wobbly the minute, while Stephen McManus saved red the same week. At Anfield, Joe Cole scored his scintillating eight under 64 on the final round WBO & IBF world heavyweight titles, at ref stopped the fight. Olympic gold medallist faces with a winner in the dying seconds. first goal for Liverpool in the first minute of the to finish 13 under…. Luke Donald finish one Frankfurt, September 11, stopping Samuel James DeGale pushed his unbeaten record Wales never got going in Skopje, against encounter with Steau Bucharest of Romania. stroke behind Jim Furyk in the PGA Tour Peter (34-4) in the 10th round. to 8-0 with a knock down of Carl Dilks (14- Montenegro, and a goal in the 30th minute by David Ngog found the net twice and Lucas Championship and Fedex Cup at Atlanta, Klitscho beat the “Nigerian Nightmare” 3), and former amateur world champion Mirko Vulcinic, resulting in a 0-1 loss, had Leiva found the net too, for Liverpool to claim where the American finished with an eight a 4-1 victory. In Austria, Manchester City under 272.… Manchester’s unbeaten John came away with a 2-0 win over SV Salzburg, Murray (30-0) finished off Andriy Kudriavt- courtesy of David Silva in the eighth minute, sev (34-8) of the Ukraine in the ninth round and second half netting by Brazilian striker Jo. at Wigan, to retain his European lightweight Second games are September 30. championship.… BDO world darts champion BRITISH CLUBS & ASSOCIATIONS DVD/VHS OLD £sd COIN SET. Crown, half-crown, shilling, CARLING CUP Ted Hankey, captured the British Open at NOW MORE THAN ever we must remember them. EASTENDERS ON DVD. All episodes from sixpence, threepenny bit, penny, etc. (8 coins) $29.95 plus P&P. Call (800) 262-7305. The third round of the Carling Cup, Sep- the Spa in Bridlington, after a 3-1 win over Royal British Legion Church Service June 2007. Ships from US. Prices fr $20. tember 21-22, saw a number of premier Andrew Gilding. 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The US REGISTERED Investment Advisor seeks have introducers in California, Florida, Texas, Close, Leicester LE3 1JE, England. 2-12 were 1-1 after ninety minutes at White Hart prolific striker ended his career at Brighton & representatives to build and manage New York, New England, Washington/Virginia. Lane, but the Gunners exploded in extra-time Hove Albion, where injuries brought about the our British-American financial services Introductory commission paid. Please email us SHIPPING & FREIGHT business. Services include UK pension with three goals, including a brace by Sami conclusion of his playing days in 1968. at [emailprotected] or fax (813) 258-5902 or ABLECARGO.COM Nasri, to win the encounter 4-1. Newcastle transfers and cross-border investment visit our website: management and financial planning. This 10-09 United have not had a good start since their CRICKET We will get straight back to you. 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[emailprotected]. Cost $2,000 per MISCELLANY SPORT Mascarenhas for two weeks for making So cum on, gormless, fill out t’name and of month US dollars. 7-9 Injuries have thwarted reigning World Tri- a profane comment on Twitter aimed at (770) 391-0181. 6-11 t’missus, and whether you keep: whippets, athlon Champion Alistair Brownlee’s attempt national selector Geoff Miller. ferrets, pigeons or owt else. Mailed in “official” in retaining his title this year; but he did win The suspension will begin at the start IN EVERY LANGUAGE MONEY TALKS. RU Coach- Yorkshire Embassy envelope! $9.50 + $1.25 the final race in the world series in Budapest, able & Trainable? Listen and earn a serious s/h, (CA residents add 9.5% tax) - Call Union PLACING AN of the 2011 season and covers all cricket six-figure income. Open in UK (800) 620-4782, Jack Shop Window at (800) 262-7305. internet-CLASSAD GO TO September 11, edging out Javiar Gomez under the jurisdiction of the ECB. Mas- 02-r of Spain, who takes over as the new world carenhas, who admitted to breaching ECB champion.…Britain’s women’s pentathlon directives and bringing the game into and fi ll out the online form, or call team took silver at the world championships disrepute, has also been fi ned £500. (800) 262-7305 in China, courtesy of Heather Fell, Freyja Mascarenhas has already been fi ned by county side Hampshire for his foul- • FINE CHINA • TEAS • DEVON CREAM mouthed rant directed at Miller on the • ACCESSORIES • MEAT PIES social networking site on September 5. • CHOCOLATES • BANGERS The 32-year-old Mascarenhas played • BISCUITS • FROZEN GOODIES for both of England’s limited-overs teams last year but has not featured for his coun- All Things try in the past 12 months. Bright & British ~ CHECK OUT OUR GIFT SHOP ~ T-SHIRTS • FLAGS • CHINA + MUCH MORE SPECIAL ORDERS & MAIL DELIVERY AVAILABLE CUSTOM GIFT BASKETS & GIFT CERTIFICATES 8401 La Mesa Blvd. (San Diego Area) HOURS: La Mesa, CA 91941 Mon-Sat 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. (619) 464-2298 Sun 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Solution to Sudoku puzzle on page 13. October 2010 Page 15 EURO & DOMESTIC midway through the second half CUPS RESULTS, after a previous shot had come premiershipremiership back off both the post and cross- FIXTURES & DRAWS p bar, and an own goal forced by LLEAGUEEAGUE UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE Robert Huth’s aggression going for Matt RESULTS – September oundup Etherington’s corner kick earned the Potters Group F roundup r a 2-1 win at Newcastle. Jones scored early in TTABLESABLES Chelsea 2, Marseille 0; Spartak Moscow 3, MSK Zilina 0; By Ridge Mahoney MSK Zilina 1, Chelsea 4; Marseille 0, Spartak Moscow 1 Branislav Ivanovic and a follow-up the second half to pull Stoke into a 1-1 draw AASAsS OOFofF OctoberAAUGUSTUGUST 12288 Group H Arsenal – A Gunners’ rally from shot into the arms of keeper Joe with West Ham that didn’t change. Jones and Braga 0, Shakhtar Donetsk 3; Partizan Belgrade 1, Arsenal 3; a shocking 3-0 deficit to West Hart were all Chelsea could muster Huth struck in the final 10 minutes to topple Arsenal 6, Braga 0; Shakhtar Dntsk 1, Partizan Blgrd 0 BARCLAYS PREMIER Group A Bromwich Albion at the Emirates after scoring 21 goals in those five Aston Villa, 2-1. P W D L F A Pts GD Inter 4, Werder Bremen; 0 Tottenham 4, FC Twente 1; produced two goals of high qual- matches. Salomon Kalou’s goal in the second Sunderland – Darren Bent Chelsea 6 5 0 1 21 2 15 +19 FC Twente 2, Inter Milan 2; Werder Bremen 2, Tottenham 2 Man Utd 6 3 3 0 16 9 12 +7 ity from Samir Nasri that weren’t enough to minute triggered a barrage that opened up a converted a penalty kick mid- Arsenal 6 3 2 1 16 7 11 +9 Group C prevent a 3-2 defeat. Keeper Manuel Almunia 4-0 lead against Blackpool before halftime way through the first half and Man City 6 3 2 1 7 2 11 +5 Rangers 1, Bursaspor 0; Valencia 0, Man Utd 1; Aston Villa 6 3 1 2 8 10 10 -2 Bursaspor 0, Valencia 4; Man Utd 0, Rangers 0 saved a penalty kick awarded for his foul, but that lasted until the final whistle. A pair of scored again shortly after West Brom 6 3 1 2 8 11 10 -3 then let a Gonzalo Jara shot bounce off his goals by Florent Malouda was sandwiched halftime to earn the Black Cats a 2-2 draw at Fulham 6 1 5 0 7 6 8 +1 FIXTURES Tottenham 6 2 2 2 6 5 8 +1 Tuesday, October 19 gloves into the net. Cesc Fabregas tallied in around one by Didier Drogba. Michael Essien Liverpool. The Black Cats fell behind in the Blackburn 6 2 2 2 7 7 8 0 Group F th scored twice and Kalou netted once in a 3-1 fifth minute when Michael Turner rolled a ball Newcastle 6 2 1 3 9 8 7 +1 Marseille v MSK Zilina; Spartak Moscow v Chelsea the 13 minute to take a 1-0 lead at Sunder- Sunderland 6 1 4 1 7 7 7 0 Group H land, but Tomas Rosicky drilled a penalty kick victory at West Ham. to goalkeeper Simon Mignolet so he could Bolton 6 1 4 1 9 10 7 -1 Arsenal v Shakhtar Donetsk; Braga v Partizan Belgrade Everton – A dull 0-0 draw at take a free kick, and Liverpool intercepted Birmingham 6 1 4 1 7 8 7 -1 over the crossbar and the Gunners conceded Stoke 6 2 1 3 7 9 7 -2 Wednesday, October 20 an equalizer deep into stoppage time. They Fulham left Everton on the bot- the pass to score the first goal. Halftime Blackpool 6 2 1 3 9 14 7 -5 Group A tom with just three draws from Liverpool 6 1 3 2 6 9 6 -3 FC Twente v Werder Bremen; Inter v Tottenham drilled Bolton, 4-1, with Laurent Koscielny’s substitute Asamoah Gyan volleyed home a Wolves 6 1 2 3 7 10 5 -3 Group C first Arsenal goal, and subsequent strikes six matches, yet manager David Jordan Henderson cross midway through Wigan 6 1 2 3 2 13 5 -11 Man Utd v Bursaspor; Rangers v Valencia West Ham 6 1 1 4 4 13 4 -9 by Marouane Chamakh, Alex Song, and Moyes saw the bright side – the team’s first the second half for a 1-0 lead at Wigan that Everton 6 0 3 3 4 7 3 - Group A Carlos Vela. clean sheet of the season. It has been shut they squandered: 1-1. Bent’s goal from a P W D L F A Pts Aston Villa – Gerard Houllier out four times in its six games, yet staged an scramble in the fifth minute of stoppage NPOWER FOOTBALL LEAGUE Inter Milan 2 1 1 0 6 2 4 CHAMPIONSHIP Tottenham 2 1 1 0 6 3 4 celebrated a victory in his debut as incredible rally with stoppage time goals by time left visitors Arsenal tied, 1-1, and ter- FC Twente 2 0 1 1 3 6 1 Villa manager when Emile Heskey’s Tim Cahill and Mikel Arteta to salvage a 3-3 ribly frustrated. P W D L F A Pts GD Werder Bremen 2 0 1 1 2 6 1 QPR 9 7 2 0 22 2 23 +20 third goal in four games downed draw with Manchester United; Steven Pienaar Tottenham – Harry Redknapp Cardiff 9 5 2 2 14 7 17 +7 Group C had opened the scoring in the 39th minute. lost to former club West Ham Norwich 9 5 1 3 14 13 16 +1 P W D L F A Pts Wolverhampton, 2-1. Heskey, starting his Watford 9 4 3 2 20 12 15 +8 Manc United 2 1 1 0 1 0 4 first game in six months, headed a Stephen Fulham – American Clint for the first time as a manager in Burnley 9 4 3 2 14 7 15 +7 Rangers 2 1 1 0 1 0 4 th Reading 9 4 3 2 13 8 15 +5 Valencia 2 1 1 0 4 1 3 Warnock cross in the 87 minute. Stewart Dempsey played the entire match a 1-0 loss at Upton Park. Spurs Ipswich 9 4 3 2 11 8 15 +3 Bursaspor 2 0 1 1 0 5 0 Downing had provided a 1-0 lead in the 25th and compatriot Eddie Johnson bombarded the West Ham goal with Swansea 9 5 0 4 14 12 15 +2 th Coventry 9 4 2 3 14 13 14 +1 Group F minute and Villa needed a few sharp saves came on as a sub in the 55 minute 20 shots, including a searing Luka Leeds 9 4 2 3 15 16 14 -1 P W D L F A Pts by Brad Friedel to stave off Wolves. Ashley as the Cottagers drew 0-0 with Everton at Modric shot that was saved, without reward. Nottm Forest 9 2 6 1 10 8 12 +2 Chelsea 2 2 0 0 6 1 6 Millwall 9 3 3 3 14 13 12 +1 Spartak Moscow 2 2 0 0 4 0 6 Young scored in his fifth straight match home. The result preserved Fulham’s un- Spurs needed more than an hour to score at Barnsley 9 3 3 3 13 15 12 -2 Marseille 2 0 0 2 0 3 0 against Bolton when the teams drew, 1-1. beaten start to the season. Dempsey headed home against Wolverhampton, then blasted Doncaster 9 3 3 3 12 14 12 -2 MSK Zilina 2 0 0 2 1 7 0 Derby 9 3 2 4 15 12 11 +3 Group H Birmingham City – A 0-0 draw in a Carlos Salcido cross to earn Fulham a Wolves, 3-1, with a penalty kick by Rafael van Scunthorpe 9 3 2 4 10 9 11 +1 P W D L F A Pts with Wigan stretched City’s un- 1-1 draw at Blackburn. Moussa Dembele der Vaart and goals from substitutes Roman Hull 9 3 2 4 7 13 11 -6 Arsenal 2 2 0 0 9 1 6 scored the equalizer shortly after halftime Sheff Utd 9 3 2 4 5 11 11 -6 Shakhtar Donetsk 2 2 0 0 4 0 6 beaten run in the top flight to 18 Pavyluchenko and Alan Hutton. Middlesbro 9 3 1 5 9 16 10 -7 Partizan 2 0 0 2 1 4 0 games, tied for best in its history, and then the winner in the final minute as West Bromwich Albion – After Preston 9 3 0 6 13 19 9 -6 Braga 2 0 0 2 0 9 0 Portsmouth 9 2 2 5 11 13 8 -2 but it was also a failed effort to the Cottagers came back from a goal down Chris Brunt failed to convert a C Palace 9 2 2 5 8 17 8 -9 win for the third time in the last 16 league to beat Wolves, 2-1. penalty kick late in the first half, Bristol C 9 1 3 5 8 16 6 -8 EUROPA LEAGUE Leicester 9 1 2 6 10 22 5 -12 FIXTURES matches. Cameron Jerome, who led the Liverpool –Dirk Kuyt’s con- three goals after halftime from Peter Thursday, October 21 team last year with 11 goals, squandered a troversial goal in the fifth minute Odemwingie, Gonzalo Jara and ex-Arsenal NPOWER FOOTBALL Man City v Lech Poznan; Napoli v Liverpool pair of excellent opportunities. Jerome scored kicked off an eventful 2-2 draw player Jerome Thomas built a 3-0 lead that LEAGUE ONE RESULTS th with Sunderland. Referee Stuart was just enough to hold off a Gunners’ rally P W D L F A Pts GD Thursday, September 16 in the 15 minute to give City a 1-0 lead at Brighton 9 6 2 1 13 6 20 +7 SV Red Bull Salzburg 0, Man City 2 West Brom but a Scott Dann own goal set in Attwell ruled that a ball played in a 3-2 victory. Trailing 1-0 to Birmingham Bournemouth 9 5 2 2 22 9 17 +13 Liverpool 4, Steaua Bucuresti 1 motion a 3-1 defeat. back constituted the taking of a free kick; at home, West Brom overran Brum in the Carlisle 9 4 4 1 13 5 16 +8 Thursday, September 30 Rochdale 9 4 4 1 16 9 16 +7 Blackburn – Brett Emerton’s it was intercepted by Fernando Torres and second half won, 3-1, with goals by Peter Peterborough 9 5 1 3 22 16 16 +6 Man City 1, Juventus 1; FC Utrecht 0, Liverpool 0 played to Kuyt as the Sunderland players Odemwingie and Jonas Olsson after an own Colchester 9 3 6 0 13 9 15 +4 Group A goal four minutes into stoppage Charlton 9 4 3 2 11 9 15 +2 P W D L F A Pts time brought manager Sam Al- protested. Steven Gerrard headed in a Torres’ goal had tied the game. Huddersfield 9 4 2 3 16 14 14 +2 Man City 1 1 0 0 2 0 3 lardyce a 2-1 win over Blackpool, near-post cross to tie the scores again in West Ham United – Frederic Oldham 9 3 4 2 12 11 13 +1 Juventus 1 0 1 0 3 3 1 th Notts Co 9 4 1 4 15 16 13 -1 Lech Poznan 1 0 1 0 3 3 1 which that fired him 14 years ago. Rovers had the 64 minute. Two goals in six minutes by Piquionne headed home a Mark Exeter 9 3 4 2 14 16 13 -2 Salzburg 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 th MK Dons 9 4 1 4 10 12 13 -2 taken a 1-0 lead on an own goal and struck Gerrard seem to forge a 2-2 tie at Manchester Noble corner kick in the 29 Swindon 9 3 3 3 11 11 12 0 Group K Plymouth 9 3 3 3 11 14 12 -3 P W D L F A Pts back quickly after conceding an equalizer in United, who scored a late goal to win, 3-2. minute to get the only goal of a th Bristol R 9 3 3 3 10 13 12 -3 Liverpool 1 1 0 0 4 1 3 the 87 minute. A long kick from keeper Paul Manchester City – Carlos wild 1-0 derby triumph over Tottenham that Sheff Wed 9 3 2 4 11 7 11 +4 Napoli 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 Robinson fell into the Fulham goalmouth for Tevez ran down a ball and shot produced 45 shots. Victor Obinna’s free Southampton 9 2 3 4 7 8 9 -1 Utrecht 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 Tranmere 9 2 3 4 8 14 9 -6 Steaua Bchrst 1 0 0 1 1 4 0 Christopher Samba to head into the net for low off the inside of the far post kick caromed off a pair of Stoke City players Hartlepool 9 2 3 4 8 16 9 -8 a 1-0 lead against Fulham in what became to hand Chelsea their first defeat before Scott Parker poked it into the net for Leyton Orient 9 2 2 5 10 13 8 -3 Yeovil 9 2 2 5 10 18 8 -8 CARLING CUP DRAW a 1-1 draw. of the season, 1-0. Tevez scored the Hammers’ goal in a 1-1 draw. Walsall 9 2 1 6 10 14 7 -4 Fourth Round Blackpool – Matt Phillips’s just before halftime to break open a goalless Wigan Athletic – The first Dag & Red 9 1 4 4 9 16 7 -7 Tuesday, October 26 Brentford 9 1 3 5 4 10 6 -6 Birmingham v Brentford; Ipswich v Northampton; goal with three minutes remain- game and Yaya Toure struck a second in road point of the season, a th Leicester v West Brom; Wigan v Swansea; ing made up for a Charlie Adam the 70 minute to clinch a 2-0 win at Wigan. 0-0 draw at Birmingham, was NPOWER FOOTBALL Man Utd v Wolverhampton own goal in the first half, but Patrick Vieira equalized early in the second tempered by a bad foul by Craig LEAGUE TWO Wednesday, 27 October Aston Villa v Burnley; Newcastle v Arsenal; Blackpool conceded a proper goal during half against Blackburn Gardner that injured Franco Di Santo’s ankle. P W D L F A Pts GD West Ham v Stoke Manchester United – Nani After opening the season by being shut out Port Vale 9 7 1 1 15 4 22 +11 injury time to fall at home to Blackburn, 2-1. Chesterfield 9 5 3 1 16 7 18 +9 In a 2-0 win at Newcastle, Adam converted scored a superb goal midway and blown out three times, the Latics earned Rotherham 9 5 3 1 17 10 18 +7 ACTIVE NATION SCOTTISH CUP a penalty kick at the end of the first half and through the first half and struck their first point by drawing Sunderland, 1-1, Shrewsbury 9 5 2 2 15 8 17 +7 th Bury 9 4 3 2 16 13 15 +3 Second Round Draw dedicated it to ailing youth team coach Gary a free kick that Michael Owen at home. In the 87 minute substitute Tom Torquay 9 4 2 3 11 7 14 +4 Deveronvale or Inverurie Loco Works v Dalbeattie Star headed home with 16 minutes Stevenage 9 3 4 2 12 8 13 +4 Forres Mechanics v East Stirlingshire Parkinson. Some good saves by keeper Cleverly drove a partial clearance back toward Accrington 9 2 6 1 9 5 12 +4 Newton Stewart or Preston Athletic v Annan Athletic Matt Gilks held off Newcastle until Adam left as United rallied twice to earn a 2-2 draw goal and defender Antolin Alcarez headed it Wycombe 9 2 6 1 11 8 12 +3 Clyde v Berwick Rangers Aldershot 9 2 6 1 7 6 12 +1 fed a ball that DJ Campbell converted in the at Bolton. A struggling Wayne Rooney was over the goal line. Crewe 9 2 5 2 17 9 11 +8 Wigtown & Bladnoch v Buckie Thistle final minute. replaced by Federico Macheda with half an Wolverhampton – Matt Jarvis’ Oxford 9 2 5 2 9 5 11 +4 Beith v Glasgow University Burton 9 2 5 2 11 9 11 +2 Rothes or Nairn County v Cove Rangers Bolton – Wanderers led twice hour to play. A hat trick by Dimitar Berbatov, equalizer and impressive saves Southend 9 3 2 4 12 12 11 0 Keith v Spartans against Manchester United on including a spectacular overhead kick that by Marcus Hahnemann weren’t Stockport 9 2 5 2 10 13 11 -3 Stranraer v Fraserburgh or St Cuthbert Wanderers th provided a temporary 2-0 lead, brought quite enough to withstand Aston Cheltenham 9 3 2 4 13 19 11 -6 Bo’ness United v Queen’s Park goals by Zak Knight (6 minute) Gillingham 9 2 4 3 9 9 10 0 th th Whitehill Welfare v Wick Academy and Martin Petrov (67 ) yet settled United a 3-2 triumph over Liverpool. Villa, which scored in the 88 minute to grab Northampton 9 2 4 3 9 12 10 -3 Macclesfield 9 2 3 4 9 15 9 -6 Golspie Sutherland or Fort William v Huntly or Girvan for a 2-2 tie at home. Johan El- Newcastle – James Perch a 2-1 win at Molineux. Steven Fletcher’s goal Lincoln 9 2 2 5 5 11 8 -6 Montrose v Arbroath headed powerfully into his own just before halftime at White Hart Lane gave Bradford 9 2 2 5 4 12 8 -8 Edinburgh City v Threave Rovers mander fluffed a pair of chances that could Morecambe 9 1 4 4 10 19 7 -9 Albion Rovers v Sunnybank have secured a victory. Kevin Davies equal- net with five minutes remaining Wolves a 1-0 lead that a three-goal salvo in Barnet 9 1 3 5 10 22 6 -12 Elgin City v Edinburgh University or Brora Rangers ized 10 minutes before halftime to claim a to hand Stoke City a 2-1 win at the final minutes turned into a 3-1 defeat. Hereford 9 1 2 6 4 18 5 -14 St James’ Park. The Magpies 1-1 draw at Aston Villa. Jelle van Damme CLYDESDALE BANK SCOTTISH PREMIER SCOTTISH LEAGUE opened the scoring at Fulham in the 10th conceded twice after leading 1-0 at halftime CUP DRAW The Perfect Gift - Anytime! P W D L F A Pts GD Quarter-Finals minute but Wanderers were breached twice with a Kevin Nolan penalty kick. Hatem Ben Rangers 6 6 0 0 16 5 18 +11 (To be played October 26/27) Arfa celebrated his first start for the Magpies Celtic 6 6 0 0 13 2 18 +11 in the second half and fell, 2-1. A Union Jack Subscription Motherwell 6 3 1 2 8 5 10 +3 Aberdeen v Falkirk Chelsea – A run of five straight wins to by rifling a shot into the top corner by which Hearts 6 2 2 2 9 8 8 +1 St Johnstone v Celtic; Motherwell v Dundee Utd; Dundee Utd 6 2 2 2 6 11 8 -5 Kilmarnock v Rangers open the season ended with a 1-0 loss at they won, 1-0, at Everton. ~ See Page 3 ~ Aberdeen 6 2 1 3 9 8 7 +1 Manchester City. A header off the post by Stoke City – Kenwyne Jones equalized Inverness CT 6 2 1 3 8 7 7 +1 Kilmarnock 6 2 1 3 7 8 7 -1 Hibernian 6 1 2 3 6 10 5 -4 TWO COAST LOCATIONS (both just off scenic highway one) Hamilton 6 1 2 3 5 13 5 -8 BARCLAYS PREMIER St Johnstone 6 1 1 4 4 8 4 -4 Perfect St Mirren 6 1 1 4 5 11 4 -6 FIXTURES FOR THE MONTH AAptosptos - Est.Est. 19951995 – Saturday, October 2 – MontereyMonterey - Est.Est. 19991999 IRN-BRU SCOTTISH DIVISION ONE Birmingham v Everton; Stoke City v Blackburn; Gift 80178017 SoquelSoquel DDrive,rive, AAptosptos P W D L F A Pts GD Sunderland v Man Utd; Tottenham v Aston Villa; 444444 AlvaradoAlvarado St.,St., MontereyMonterey Dunfermline 7 6 0 1 15 5 18 +10 West Brom v Bolton; West Ham v Fulham; (831)(831) 688-1233688-1233 Raith 7 5 2 0 12 2 17 +10 (831)(831) 656-9543656-9543 Falkirk 7 4 0 3 10 7 12 +3 Wigan Athletic v Wolves One Year Cowdenbeath 7 4 0 3 11 11 12 0 – Sunday, October 3 – Queen of Sth 7 3 1 3 10 9 10 +1 Chelsea v Arsenal; Liverpool v Blackpool; Ross County 7 2 3 2 5 5 9 0 Man City v Newcastle The Dundee 7 2 2 3 5 6 8 -1 – Saturday, October 16 – of Morton 7 1 2 4 4 7 5 -3 Arsenal v Birmingham; Aston Villa v Chelsea; BRITANNIA ARMS Stirling 7 1 2 4 5 15 5 -10 Bolton v Stoke City; Fulham v Tottenham; Partick 7 1 0 6 4 14 3 -10 Man Utd v West Brom; Newcastle v Wigan Athletic; BRITISH PUBS & RESTAURANTS Wolves v West Ham Union IRN-BRU SCOTTISH DIVISION TWO – Sunday, October 17 – “Two Great Locations Serving You For Near On 25 Years” P W D L F A Pts GD Blackpool v Man City; Everton v Liverpool Dunfermline 7 6 0 1 15 5 18 +10 Raith 7 5 2 0 12 2 17 +10 – Monday, October 18 – Jack ? Falkirk 7 4 0 3 10 7 12 +3 Blackburn v Sunderland Karaoke Both Pubs British Owned and Operated. Cowdenbeath 7 4 0 3 11 11 12 0 – Saturday, October 23 – PUB Queen of Sth 7 3 1 3 10 9 10 +1 Birmingham v Blackpool; Chelsea v Wolves; & Both with our Award Winning FISH ’N’ CHIPS Ross County 7 2 3 2 5 5 9 0 Sunderland v Aston Villa; Tottenham v Everton; Dundee 7 2 2 3 5 6 8 -1 West Brom v Fulham; West Ham v Newcastle; See TRIVIA Morton 7 1 2 4 4 7 5 -3 LIVE MUSIC •Homemade Meat Pies •Pasties, Stirling 7 1 2 4 5 15 5 -10 Wigan Athletic v Bolton F Partick 7 1 0 6 4 14 3 -10 – Sunday, October 24 – CALL EACH LOCATION FOR DETAILS Bangers & Mash. •Mum’s Roast Liverpool v Blackburn; Man City v Arsenal; IRN-BRU SCOTTISH DIVISION THREE Stoke City v Man Utd Beef & Yorkshire Pud. Plus a whole BPREMIER LEAGUE P W D L F A Pts GD – Saturday, October 30 – page LIVE array of British & American Berwick 7 4 3 0 20 8 15 +12 Arsenal v West Ham; Blackburn v Chelsea; Stranraer 7 4 3 0 16 10 15 +6 Everton v Stoke City; Fulham v Wigan Athletic; FA CUP favourites. All pubs have a large Annan 7 4 2 1 12 6 14 +6 Man Utd v Tottenham; Wolves v Man City SPORTS Albion 7 4 2 1 15 10 14 +5 – Sunday, October 21 – selection of imported draft beer and full bar. Arbroath 8 3 1 4 11 17 10 -6 Aston Villa v Birmingham; Bolton v Liverpool; East Stirling 7 2 2 3 5 8 8 -3 EUROPEAN CUP Outside patio areas and of course satellite TVs for Montrose 7 2 1 4 17 12 7 +5 Newcastle v Sunderland ON TV Queen’s Park 8 2 0 6 6 10 6 -4 – Monday, November 1 – 3 AT ALL LOCATIONS SKYtv all your sporting events including Elgin City 7 2 0 5 11 20 6 -9 Blackpool v West Brom Clyde 7 1 2 4 6 18 5 -12 Page 16 October 2010 England’s Autumn Series News From Wales ONCE again England face a Wales will have a hard time punishing schedule with New of it next month with games Diplomatic Feud Latest Woe Zealand, Australia, Samoa and in the Millennium Stadium South Africa visiting Twicken- against Australia, South Africa, ham in successive weekends, Fiji and New Zealand starting At Commonwealth Games beginning November 6. Coach on November 6. They will Martin Johnson welcomed By John Polley do very well to emerge with By Chris Lehourites quarters two days later than planned. the challenge which should anything more than a single THE COMMONWEALTH Games quelled Some of the buildings still had leaks and test whether their summer victory over win from that lot. a brewing diplomatic feud September, say- there was still water in some basements, Australia down under represented genuine Their pool in the World Cup sees them ing both Prince Charles and Indian Presi- according to New Delhi Chief Minister progress. matched against South Africa and Fiji so dent Pratibha Patil will essentially have the Sheila Dikshit, who took charge of the Compiled by Larry Gardner Johnson is pleased that this season there will be particular interest in those honor of opening the competition. work at the athletes’ village. England enters the autumn schedule more fixtures. The remaining sides in their pool With Queen Elizabeth II skip- “They’re keeping ahead of it. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE ARE COUNTY or less injury-free. However, the chances of are Samoa and Namibia. ping the October 3-14 event – They’ve got a lot of cleaners and CHAMPIONS emerging from the four matches unscathed Welsh centre Gavin Henson has sud- the fi rst Commonwealth Games workers here, but I understand NOTTINGHAMSHIRE edged out Somerset to seem unlikely. Most of the home nations denly emerged from the shadows to state she’s missed since 1966 – the there are still a few countries win their sixth County Championship, with the would surely rather have success in the Six his determination to get back to interna- prince is scheduled to speak on experiencing problems,” New title going down to the final game and the last Nations than in the money-spinners that the tional rugby. His career has suffered from his mother’s behalf at the open- Zealand chef de mission Dave day of official county cricket. Notts drew at autumn fixtures represent. a persistent leg injury and the ending of his ing ceremony. The Common- Currie said. Old Trafford against Lancashire. Notts 400 Exeter Settle Quickly Into Premiership marriage to Charlotte Church. wealth Games Federation said Organizers were also working (Adam Voges 126)-9 dec. Lanc’s 11-3. It’s odd how often a newly-promoted team Now he’s cleared his head on both mat- in a statement the prince “will to shield visitors from one of Somerset drew with Durham. achieves success in their first season. This ters and is looking to sign for a London read The Queen’s message, India’s most enduring problems: Durham 286 and 320 (Michael Di Venuto season the real West Country has provided club but only for one season. He is com- which ends with the opening of poverty. Many of this city’s 129) Somerset 426 (James Hildreth 105) the shock in the shape of Exeter Chiefs. At mitted to turning out for the Ospreys and the games.” beggars have been arrested or and 48-3 at close. Notts and Somerset home on the first day of the English Premier- is contracted to them on an unpaid basis. In the next sentence, however, things forced from the streets, migrants have been finished the season with 214 points apiece. ship, they disposed of Gloucester. Week two He claimed in a recent TV interview that he become slightly ambiguous. rousted and thousands of homes hidden Notts were awarded the championship be- took them to champions Leicester at Welford was concerned about dressing-room con- “The president of India will then deliver from sight. cause they had won more games, with eight Road where they went down only in the final versations with his fellow Ospreys about his her address and signal the commencement Indian Tourism Minister Kumari Selja wins against Somerset’s seven victories. moments. The third game brought Newcastle private life. If that worries him, just imagine of the games,” the federation said. said only 200,000 of the 1.7 million tickets Kent and Essex are relegated. Sussex won down to Sandy Park, their new stadium near what his opponents will do with him! DEBATING for the games have been sold, but organiz- Division Two with eight wins from 16 games the M5. A 17-10 victory left them in the top Meanwhile, North Of The Border… After media reports started debating ers are relying on sales improving once the and a total of 235pts. half of the table. Scotland’s November fixtures are a shade who should open the games, the prince’s games begin. Five days later at Lord’s, Somerset would Exeter were the beneficiaries of a new sys- lighter than those of England. They will play offi ce, Clarence House, tried to smooth SUCCEED suffer disappointment once again when War- tem of promotion from the second division. on the last three Saturdays versus New matters. Sebastian Coe, the former middle- wickshire beat them in the final of the Clydes The top eight sides are involved in a round Zealand (ko 5:15pm), South Africa (2:30pm) “There is no row. Both the Prince of distance great and chairman of the 2012 Bank 40 trophy, winning by three wickets. robin tournament which keeps their interest and Samoa (2:30pm). Wales and the president of India will have London Olympics, predicts the games will Somerset 199 at 40 overs. Warwicks 200 right up till April and May. Their coach, Rob Now rated seventh in the IRB ratings, their a prominent role in the opening ceremony succeed and athletes and fans will “fall in (Ian Bell 107)-7 at close. Baxter, sacrificed a couple of games over opening match in the World Cup will be against in Delhi,” Clarence House said. “We can- love with India.” Coe, who is part Indian ALLEGATIONS SPOIL ODI SERIES Christmas to put his top players in the gym either Uruguay or Romania. Kick off will be on not be specifi c about the choreography, on his mother’s side and has relatives in England’s five ODIs series against Paki- to ensure they would reach peak fitness for September 10 at 2am UK time. Thereafter all but the prince will read out the Queen’s Delhi, was expected to arrive following stan soon got into controversy when the the closing stages of the competition. their pool games will start at 8:30am UK time, baton message, ending by declaring the the opening. ICC decided to investigate scoring patterns It worked and Exeter came out on top ie against Georgia (September 14), Argentina games open.” Earlier last month, a footbridge leading in the third ODI at the Oval. England opened ahead of teams like Leeds and Bristol who (September 25) and England (October 1). The latest snag comes as more and more to the main stadium collapsed and injured the series at Chester-le-Street winning by 24 usually bounce between the two divisions. Broadcast rights for UK screenings of the athletes – 850 were expected – were ar- several constructions workers, and two runs where the weather reduced the game to The only problem with this approach is that World Cup have been awarded to ITV. The riving in New Delhi and moving into the tourists were recently shot outside one of 41 overs. England 274-9. Pakistan 250-9 at Exeter were unable to recruit heavily during full RWC tournament schedule can be found athletes’ village, which was described the New Delhi’s top attractions. That fueled close. At Headingley, Andy Strauss hit 126 the summer, leading many observers to on You can also previous week as fi lthy and uninhabitable. speculation the games would be scrapped runs, and England won by four wickets. dismiss their chances out of hand. find information for buying tickets on the New Zealand, which had delayed its ar- or countries would pull out. Some top Pakistan 294-8 at 50 overs. England Gloriously the opening games are proving same website. rival in India until the village was cleaned athletes withdrew because of health and 295-6 at close. At the Oval, Pakistan won by everyone wrong. [emailprotected] up, sent its fi rst athletes into their living safety concerns. 23 runs. Pakistan 241. England 218. Andy Strauss was reluctant to take the field in the fourth game, and when Pakistan Cricket Former England Captain Flintoff Retires Board Chairman Ijaz Butt, inferred England England Look At 2018 World players may have thrown the third game FORMER England captain Andrew Flintoff a statement. the series took an very ugly turn. Scotland retired from all forms of cricket with immedi- His last match was a test against Australia Cup Bid If US Withdraws Yard interviewed four Pakistani players after ate effect September 16, admitting defeat after at The Oval in August 2009, when England information provided by the Sun newspaper, a long battle against a serious knee injury. won to regain the Ashes. ENGLAND will withdraw from the The United States is the sole non- but made no arrests. At Lords, 38 runs beat The 32-year-old Lancashire allrounder, Immediately after that match, Flintoff, race to host the 2022 World Cup and European country still bidding for both Strauss’ angry men. Pakistan 265-7 at 50 who played 79 tests for England, made his who was prone to injuries owing to his heavy concentrate on its 2018 bid if the United events. Australia, Japan, Qatar and overs. England 227 all out. decision to quit the sport after speaking to frame, underwent micro-fracture surgery on States ends its interest in the earlier South Korea are focused on 2022. The The fifth and final match at the Rose Bowl medical advisers the previous day. his right knee and hoped to return for the tournament. Americans have said they will withdraw decided the series with England winning by “Having been told that my body would no start of this season. He had a second opera- David Dein, the international presi- from 2018 bidding only if asked by FIFA 121 runs and the series 3-2. England 256 longer stand up to the rigors of cricket, I had tion after suffering a setback in his recovery dent of England’s bid, said last month he or UEFA president Michel Platini. (Eoin Morgan 107 not out)-6 at 50 overs. no alternative but to retire,” Flintoff said in earlier this year. expects that announcement soon. “We believe, Michel Platini believes, Pakistan 135 all out. “I was told that the problems I have been FIFA hasn’t offi cially declared that that 2018 should be coming to Europe Scotland have refused to play their ICC trying to overcome in rehab for the last year 2018 should go to Europe and leave the and we believe that is our strongest Trophy game in Zimbabwe. Originally it had following the latest in a series of operations rest of the fi eld to contest 2022. Eng- case,” Dein said during a briefi ng last been moved to a South African venue, but would not recover sufficiently to allow a land and Russia, Spain-Portugal and month. “We are sure it won’t be long be- was later changed back. ICC officials say comeback,” Flintoff said. Belgium-Netherlands are still vying for fore America will withdraw from 2018, they are looking for a compromise. Universally known as “Freddie,” Flint- both events as a formality. leaving themselves a run on 2022. MURRAY’S FLUSHING MEADOWS off became a national icon by playing a DREAM HALTED BY WAWRINKA leading role in England winning back the The sweltering New York heat added to Ashes in 2005, under the captaincy of Michael Rugby Player Helped Doping the players discomfort at Flushing Meadows, Vaughan. He scored 402 runs and took 24 where the US Open, August 30-September wickets in the fi ve-match series. Probe Before Death 12, witnessed Andy Murray looking for his Overall, he had 226 wickets and hit 3,845 OFFICIALS say a rugby league player suspended for testing positive for human first Major and Rafael Nadel in search of runs in an 11-year test career. He notched fi ve serving a ban for using human growth growth hormone. He was 31. his first US Open crown. Andy Murray beat centuries, his highest being 167 versus West hormone had been assisting doping inves- UK Anti-Doping chief executive Andy Lucas Lacko of Slovakia and then Jamaica’s Indies at Edgbaston in 2004. tigators before his death. Parkinson says Newton had been helping Dustin Brown, but in the third round against Former British international player his group in recent months regarding an Stanislas Wawrinka of Switzerland, he was Terry Newton was found hanged at his investigation into the use and supply of out-fought in a four hour marathon. Wawrinka home last month in a suspected suicide. performance-enhancing drugs. won 6-7 (3-7) 7-6 (7-4) 6-3,6-3. After mak- EXPATRIATES His death came seven months after Newton Newton was said to have been depressed ing the finals of two American tournaments in HEALTH INSURANCE became the fi rst athlete worldwide to be after drawing a two-year ban by the RFL. Continued on page 14 WORLDWIDE COVERAGE INCLUDING U.S. AND CANADA (New Business Rates valid through 12/31/2010) All rates include surplus lines taxes where applicable. Underwritten at Lloyds. New rates are effective through 12/31/10. 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Correspondent to Lloyd’s Insurance Broker Member Better Business John A. Costa, Esquire Member British Bureau of American Chamber West Florida MasterCard — Visa Accepted of Commerce US and Canadian Service 11867 102ND STREET N., LARGO, FLORIDA 33773 1 (800) 399-3904 Fax (727) 392-6229 Email: [emailprotected]